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Everything posted by ollie

  1. You can. But please stop making the claim that we are obssessed with the Leafs when we are not. It seems to be your favourite jab around here but lacks basis in fact.
  2. And you're the one who continually claims that Sens fans are obssessed with the Leafs.
  3. Shouldn't you have been watching the Leafs game?
  4. Looks like Newcastle pulled off a victory as well with a 1-0 win over Fenerbahce. Well done lads!
  5. TV Guide Canada to become web-only publication I suppose I stopped relying on a printed TV Guide years ago but it's still surprising that they are abandoning it all together. I hope I remember to pick up a copy of the last issue.
  6. No point in starting a new topic for the UEFA Cup is there? Positive results for the English teams so far today: Besiktas 0-2 Tottenham Wisla Krakow 1-2 Blackburn Spurs win! Spurs win!
  7. I don't think spin is ever a good idea. Just give me the facts please. Sensational titles like this turn me off and make me tune out the message. Two wrongs don't make a right. I truly believe this.
  8. Tell that to Grammy award winning and multi-platinum recording artist Kelly Clarkson. Also a little ironic coming from Maiden given that they kept the machine going with a mediocre replacement singer after Dickinson left in the early '90s (and of course Bruce himself was a replacement singer). Sure it wasn't done on a TV show but who knows how much influence the label had in that.
  9. Unless those people subscribed to the "innocent until prove guilty" concept.
  10. Iron Maiden is not a brand? I'd say it's one of the most successful brands in heavy metal history. I love Bruce but he's been living off the legacy of that brand for the past 15 years. The music industry is about making money. Period.
  11. Looks like the CPC just got a little less progressive... Garth Turner suspended from Tory caucus
  12. Then you missed my point. Sure, Martin's Liberals had roughly 2 years in office but how much time did they actually get to govern, pass legislation, etc. and how much time was spent fending off attacks from the CPC? Remember all the time Harper spent trying to bring about their downfall back in spring 2005? That's why I find it so hard to take when the CPC and its supporters crow about giving this government a chance.
  13. If only the CPC had afforded Paul Martin's Liberals the same luxury. Don't you remember Stephen Harper in opposition? hmm.. 2004 - 2006 vs. 2006 - still' date=' 2006 [/b'] Please explain. Although I'd rather you just answer the question.
  14. Not even this reality TV fan has any interest in this. It's an ugly cash grab with $75 meet and greets after every show.
  15. That's awesome. Maybe you can hand George a copy of Foxtrot and see what he can do about a reunion.
  16. Happy Birthday to my long lost fellow alumn!!
  17. Happy Birthday my rock'n'wrestling connection friend!!
  18. Do you bring snoots to this sort of thing?
  19. If only the CPC had afforded Paul Martin's Liberals the same luxury. Don't you remember Stephen Harper in opposition?
  20. Don't forget to feed the animals!
  21. Ask him about Scientology!
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