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Everything posted by ollie

  1. The thing that pisses me off about this is how much joy Conservative supporters took in the media bashing that Paul Martin endured during his run as PM. "Mr. Dither" anyone? They now act as if this is the first time the media has been tough on the PM. The hypocrisy is staggering. I just can't get past it. Two names: David Emerson, Michael Fortier. I will not turn a blind eye to those two appointments.
  2. I still can't believe he's banging Belinda.
  3. Let me know when the Taliban are gone and I'll re-evaluate the world.
  4. I agree that Harper shows good leadership I just don't like where he's leading us. I have given Harper his due in the past. Doesn't mean I'm going to buy everything he says or does. I don't support this image of Canada that Harper wants to present to the world.
  5. Exactly! So why are you making all these assumptions about the motives of the Exclaim staff? It seems to me like all you are saying is, "The stuff I like is better than the stuff they like." For example, you bring up Holy Fuck as an example of the type of music they should be covering but I can't think of a bigger "flavour of the month" than Holy Fuck right now. Also, are we even sure that someone from Exclaim is behind the user account here? P.S. Not trying to pick a fight. Genuinely interested in the discourse.
  6. Canada's military back on world stage: PM Yeah... thank god all those military and civilian casualties finally paid off!! Look at me world! I have big guns too!! Fucking tool.
  7. I still think you need to work on getting past your ego Luke.
  8. I thought it was cool that Karl is left-handed like myself but then I noticed he was just playing a rightie turned upside down, didn't even bother to restring it. I wonder if I should have been playing like that all along!
  9. Been a casual fan since their heady radio days of the late '80s/early '90s but just saw them for the first time at Osheaga. I thought they were great but they didn't attract much of a crowd unfortunately.
  10. Good description on The Team this morning: a cross between the San Diego Chargers logo and a slug.
  11. 7:30 PM Peeping Tom (~35 minutes) 8:50 PM The Who I'd call the JLC myself to confirm though. Venues are getting better about giving this information out. The concession stand people are usually clued in to start times as well.
  12. Thanks Deeps! I enjoyed the initimate atmosphere and my own personal bartender but you guys deserve a bigger crowd next time. Solsbury Hill cover was a genuine treat for me and I liked your interpretation. The new CD sounds great! Deeps, your singing voice reminds me at times of Lee Ranaldo from Sonic Youth. I also get a strong "beat" vibe from it. I enjoy what you guys do.
  13. Yet another new season debuted last night. Not sure how many people caught it but one of the teams is a pair of male models who are recovering addicts. To illustrate this last point they flashed a photo of one of them hitting a balloon. I thought that was pretty monumental for prime time family TV. "Daddy, why is he sucking on that ballon?"
  14. It wasn't nearly as packed as I expected. Even the cheap seats were too pricey I guess.
  15. Not bad for Denis Armstrong. He only screwed up two song titles. I had so much fun last night! Even with the amount of new material, which meant they had to drop some classics (nothing from Quadrophenia for example), I consider this the show of the year and maybe in my all-time top ten. Nothing like 8th row center floor seats to see one of your favourite bands for the first time ever. But I agree with Dave -- too short! It was two hours and it flew by. Highlight for me was the Tommy medley. It was Live at Leeds right in front of my eyes. Peeping Tom were great but went over everyone's head. Also, I have really warmed to Scotiabank Place as a venue. The staff are really chill. I consistently have a good time there.
  16. Islanders and the Leafs sure have brought the yucks this week. Doug Gilmour is... The Evaluator!
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