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Mr. Photogeek

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Everything posted by Mr. Photogeek

  1. It's about time! I was just talking about this in a post last week...I can't wait!
  2. Dwight: I know everything about film. I’ve seen over 240 of them. Dwight: I am fast. To give you a reference point I am somewhere between a snake and a mongoose…and a panther.
  3. I work in a large format print shop running a lightjet printer (essentially a huge laser powered photo printer), and I also do freelance photography on the side. I actually hate my job...well my job is OK, but my boss takes the prize for "worst boss ever", and he makes me hate my job...so it's back to school in 2007...if I can only figure out what I want to do when I grow up!
  4. Ahh nice! Nope don't have it yet, thought I'd have to wait until end of the tour...thanks again!
  5. No worries...I think my Mom will be happy enough with a copy of the London show...she doesn't really get this whole taping of shows thing anyway Thanks for looking though!
  6. Great thanks...a few of the shows I was at are there...saves me transfering them to MP3 for my Ipod! I have a feeling 80 gb is going to fill up way to fast!
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