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Posts posted by bradm

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by Big Wooly Mammoth:

    (hanging out in record stores on yonge street was a regular friday night ocurrance for me in 1979 as 14 yr old)

    For those who haven't experienced hanging out on Yonge St. as a teenager, go watch the "Subdivisions" video by Rush.

    "Drawn like moths we drift into the city

    "The timeless soul attraction

    "Cruising for the action

    "Lit up like a firefly

    "Just to feel the living night"


    Brad, Whose Canada Includes Scarborough

  2. quote:

    Originally posted by Ms.Huxtable:

    I guess if you really want to make it up to me, you can make it out to the next 25 Dr. Huxtable shows. (Although that is hardly punishment
    ) That should just about do it!

    You mean that atonement can only be achieved* by listening to funky/fun/groovy music played by friends of mine in places where friends of mine hang out and enjoy refreshing beverages?

    Well, I'll try...What I'll need is some kind of "Frequent Huxtable" card that gets stamped whenever I make it to an appointment. I think I should also get points for bringing out people who wouldn't normally see Dr. Hux (and maybe points for anybody they bring out, and so on...in effect, turning Dr. Huxtable fandom into a multi-level marketing thing).

    See you Thursday.



    * Alternate QotD Pt. II: What can I do to make it up to Ms. H.?

  3. What happened to me? Why haven't I had any Sanctuary prenence for the last week and a half?

    Here's what I've been able to come up with:

    - Doing vow-of-silence penance for telling Ms. Huxtable to fuck offf at CTMF*.

    - Sequestered in a secret gov't lab, doing research on new innovative ways to attach toasters to the Internet.

    - Saving my energy for GTB / D&T.

    - Shlurped into an alternate dimension/timeline.

    - Kidnapped by aliens, who though my DNA would be useful, but realized I was too weird to fit into their master plan.

    - Monumental bender.

    Any other ideas/suggestions would be appreciated.



    * I'm sorry, Ms. H., I'm sorrier than you can possibly imagine. I didn't mean it, I don't know what came over/under me, it won't happen again. Please, tell me how I can make it up to you.

  4. The biograph of Bill Evans, "How My Heart Sings" by Peter Pettinger, is great, as is "Straight, no chaser : the life and genius of Thelonious Monk" by Leslie Gourse. Both are available from the Ottawa Public Library.


    Brad (currently listening to Bill Evans' "Conversations With Myself")

  5. Last night's show rocked. I had the music running through my head all through the small part of the night left after I got home*.

    They jammed it out furiously, and had a serious Pink Floyd twinge going on, along with a bitchin' "Spider Man" cartoon theme cover.

    I can see them doing a setblender with GTB, as JSB reminded me of GTB a lot during parts of the second set in particular.

    I can't remember from the last time I saw them (at the Bayou some months ago), but apparently they've undergone some lineup changes (a new drummer, and only one guitarist now). The new lineup displays stellar chops. The rhythmic changes alone were jaw-dropping; add in the funk, GTB-like trancy stuff, the Floyd, Spider Man, and it's almost too much. Almost. :-)

    And, to top it all off, mixed drinks are $2.50 at Dekcuf on Tuesdays. :-)

    Does anybody have a set list?



    * Did anybody else see "The Song Remains The Same" running on Bravo around 2:45am, or was it just me? ISTR coming in in the middle of "Moby Dick".

  6. quote:

    Originally posted by doubleB:

    That was kinda disappointing

    quote of the year

    "she was black?"


    What was kinda disappointing? Last night's Muffin, or something that happened at L.N.M.? And to what does the quote of the year refer?


    Brad, Desiring Context

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