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Posts posted by bradm

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by CyberHippie:

    Hmmm... What if I do the same thing and people think you're me and vice versa? Especially when we are all out of our heads, things could get very crazy!

    I don't know, but it'd be fun to try. If you're going to the Dr. Hux / DOY show this weekend, bring it along. I'll (try to remember to) bring both of mine, and we'll see what happens.



  2. quote:

    Originally posted by arcane:

    I heard that Dolly Parton will be releasing a cover of "Stairway to Heaven."

    Perhaps "annihilating" would be a better word.

    Thirty-ought-six should fix that problem.

    OK, I knew today was going to be traumatic after hearing David Lindley cover Timbuk3's "National Holiday" in a Jimmy Stewart voice (and referring to leather slaves and smoking joints), but this is a whole other plane of pain...

    Good thing I'm going to Fishbone tonight; a good 'bone-induced brain scour is just what I need right now...



  3. I made my own. I took the Phish Sanctuary logo (the yellow triangle) as a .gif and my avatar as a .gif and fired up PowerPoint. I shrunk the logo to about 2" x 2" (i.e., about the height of a nametag), shrunk the avatar to about 1" x 1", placed them side-by-side (logo on the left, avatar top-right), and put my user name in a text box (boldface) below it. Print on a colour printer, slip into an old conference nametag holder, and voila! Instant nametag.

    Between that, and the Mark I and Mark II 'tags at the Dekcuf show, I was tagged beyond belief...



  4. Man, I need a good editor...CatPhish said in fewer than 20 words what it took me three paragraphs to get across.

    Look, the music is there to be enjoyed, and the CDs will feel unfulfilled if you just leave them sitting there. Play the discs, and think of it as your own private Nero show (or better yet, invite some friends over and share the joy).

    The discs will also give you a feel for the *form* of the show (the textures, the segues, the sounds, the grooves), which will, I think, help you enjoy it a lot more.



  5. I know I always have a problem when I see a band without having heard their music beforehand: because I don't have any reference points, I have a tough time remembering the music. This is possibly more true with improvisational and instrumental acts, because you don't have things like lyrics, repeated choruses, and structured verses to stick in your mind.

    My advice is to listen to the show first. I hadn't heard Nero before I saw them the first time, but the little bit I remember has been reinforced by the number of other shows I've been to over the last few months (and the number of times I've listened to "is it morning?" which is on even as I type :-). With Nero off for a western tour, I'm not sure you're going to get a chance to see them again for a while, so you want the music as drilled into your brain as much as possible.

    And don't worry about not being able to be astounded by the revelatory nature of seeing the music for the first time: the nice thing about Nero is that every show is different, *every* show is a revelation.



  6. The one definition I heard is that a Canadian is someone who can make love in a canoe*.

    A good book on the subject is "Why I Hate Canadians" by Will Ferguson. He went through Katimavik ("I Was A Teenage Katima-victim" is also good), spent a lot of time overseas (in Japan; "Hokkaido Highway Blues" recounts his hitch-hiking trip from the Southern tip of Japan to the Northern tip), and has a lot of insight.

    Me, I'm torn between the idea that Canadians don't have an identity (because we spend half our time telling the Americans we're not British, and the other half telling the British we're not American, and so don't have any time to develop an identity), and that we're poorly-armed Americans with public health care and better mass-market beer.



    * Q: Why is American beer like making love in a canoe? A: Because it's fucking close to water...

  7. quote:

    Originally posted by Dr. Huxtable:

    When Ozzy played O-town a few weeks ago I ran into him...was supposed to get back to me about replacing Sharon in Huxie....no word yet...

    Man, that's just twisted enough to be...horrendously psychotic...I'm trying to imagine Ozzy chiming in on "N.F.O." or "Switzerland" or "Will It Go Round In Circles" and am glad that lunch was several hours ago...

    If he seemed only *somewhat* dazed, it must have been one of his good days.



  8. It woke me out of a pretty good (G-rated) dream, and just as I had got into a Saturday morning got-back-to-sleep-after-my-usual-wake-up-time sleep-in.

    I also discovered one of the advantages of a messy/cluttered house: after a quake, it doesn't look any worse...(I keep my black box [paper recycling] on its side, so that the papers are vertical when I put it out [so they don't blow away]. It took me a few seconds to realize the quake had emptied about half of it...)


    Brad, For Whom The Earth *Did* Move, But Was Alone

  9. Just started here, too (Kanata). I had one of the (family) traditional "I Hate Snow" e-mails from my Mom in Toronto this morning. (There's an episode of the Mary Tyler Moore show in which Mr. Grant comes in to the newsroom *covered* in snow. He starts in, "I *hate* snow. I hate the way it looks, I hate the way it feels, I hate the way..." and on an on. It became a kind of tag-phrase in the family, especially when the first snow of the season hits.)



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