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Posts posted by bradm

  1. I was watching CityTV's morning program this a.m., and they reported that Greta Van Sustern (sp?) (who used to host "The Point" on CNN, and grew to fame during the O. J. Simpson fracas & media feeding frenzy) is bringing Ozzy and his wife to a dinner for the Washington Press Association.

    Why, I have *no* idea...is it possible Ozzy's becoming mainstream? Or is the mainstream going Ozzy? Either way, I'm scared...



  2. If I wanted to go to this show (and I do), which would be better: getting tickets through Moe ticketing, which looks like it works on-line, or GDTSToo, which looks like it only works via the mail (with envelopes, money orders, etc.)?

    I've never seen either of them, so people's past experiences would be appreciated.



  3. Did you bring any Nero discs with you? Try and spin 'em for people (esp. in venues) when you get a chance. Who knows, you might get the boyz a chance to play on the islands...



    * Actually appropriate, this time...

  4. quote:

    Originally posted by bradm:

    I just checked the XPress listings on the web, and they list *four* openers (

    - Hidden Cameras

    - Manitoba

    - 1978

    - Do Make Say Think

    The Barrymore's page lists only the last two. Which suck?



    Turns out they *all* did. See the "Ante-Antibalas" topic in Show Reviews.



  5. "Caution: Objects may appear more edible than they really are..."

    "You also get a free bong. Do you want the Wizard or the Skull?" (Neither of which Homer actually used; I was a bit disappointed by that.)

    Marge: Why do you still keep that thing?

    Homer (pulling out a joint): I use it as a reminder.

    Printed on Joint: Dentist appointment Tuesday



  6. I just talked to my buddy Ken (a non-Sanctuarian who was also there on Sunday), and we're going. I'm heading downtown a while before the show to do some browsing, so we're going to meet the Royal Oak across from Barrymore's at 8pm, if anybody wants to pre-show. We'll probably be there until 8:30 or 9pm, then head over.



  7. Friends of mine in Mississauga hold semi-occasional "garlic fest" parties: it's a pot-luck dinner where virtually *everything* has garlic in it. One time, one of the guests brought a take-out pizza, and proceeded to dump most of a jar of minced garlic on top of it. It was an outdoor barbecue party, and we actually managed to out-garlic the Polish neighbours next door who were having a keilbasa (sp?) barbecue.

    At another one, I ended up in the kitchen crushing garlic for the garlic bread...I did about 40 cloves...I was staying at my parents' place, in the (small) second bedroom...I had left the door closed after I got home...the smell the next morning was described as "indescribable"...



  8. I've hard some *scary* stories from my brother, who lives in Japan, about Japanese pizza toppings...tuna, artichokes, mayo, the list goes on and on. There used to be a take-out place near him named "Donkey Pizza". We were never sure if the 'za was a) made by donkeys, B) made for donkeys, or c) made *with* donkeys...

    When I order 'za, I usually get two: one with pepperoni and mushrooms, and one with tomato and onion. If I know there are going to be leftovers for breakfast, I add hot peppers (cold 'za is enormously improved by hot peppers).



  9. I went to a concert on my birthday once. Well, sort of...it didn't start on my birthday, but since it went past midnight, it counts.

    The night was filled with good friends having a seriously fun time, with a band that was having as much fun as the audience, putting on a show that I can recall as if it were yesterday. I had been going through a bit of a rough time around then, and the shared joy was helping enormously to buoy my mood back to its usual levels.

    When midnight came, there was an explosion of happy energy, that was almost better than New Year's Eve, because *we* were the ones who decided it was time to have a party.

    I didn't actually get any presents (almost nobody knew it was my birthday), and I didn't care: happiness and fun are sometimes the best thing you can give.


    BRAD (Birthdays Really Are Delightful)

  10. quote:

    Originally posted by doubleB:

    You HAVE TO drink!!

    I sit corrected; *doubleB* says we have to drink. I've always wondered who was that little voice in my head that says, "Go ahead: have another drink..." Now I know.


    Originally posted by doubleB:

    Doors at 7

    Show at 10ish

    It will be a great show, a sound unlike anything you have heard before, you will dance tonight!

    Thanks for the info.



  11. Actually, you can get a passport without a guarantor: you complete a "Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor" (form PPT 132, available from the passport office), and complete it at your expense in front of someone authorized by law to administer an oath or solemn declaration. It may delay your application, though.

    (I found this by checking out the on-line passport application; it's described just below the list of guarantors.)



  12. Now or then?

    Actually, my tastes haven't changed much:

    - Winnie The Pooh

    - The Cat In The Hat (or most any other Seuss)

    - the Richard Scarey books

    - the Robert A. Heinlein juveniles

    - Curious George*

    - Beatrix Potter


    BRAD (Books Remembered After Decades)

    * I've even got a couple of the CG fridge magnets (CG sniffing ether, and CG spinning around on a turntable) on the fridge.

  13. John McLaughlin and Carlos Santana both came under the influence of Sri Chinmoy in the early '70s. McLaughlin adopted the name "Mahavishnu" and Santana the name "Devadip" ("the eye, the light of the lamp of God"). The names were chosen by Chinmoy, and McLaughlin and Santana collaborated on an album, "Love Devotion Surrender", inspired by Chinmoy (there's a photo of the three of them together).

    (I pulled all of this together by doing a Google search on "sri chinmoy" with either "john mclaughlin" and "carlos santana".)



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