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Posts posted by bradm

  1. I'm going to try ordering through Moe ticketing tomorrow. I can afford to order a-couple-of to several tickets, so does anybody want in? If so, respond via E-MAIL by 8am tomorrow, April 17. Ottawa folks, only, please. (If I get more than a few responses, I'll accommodate the first few I receive. I'll try to respond to everybody who wants in.)



  2. IIRC from all the medical TV shows I've watched ("I'm not a doctor, but I've seen one on TV."), aren't you supposed to make sure you wake up every four hours or so? I had always thought that this was supposed to make sure you *could* wake up.

    Ms. H, you should get more exact recommendations from from the medical professional you went to. If you can't, you might try Telehealth Ontario, at 1-866-797-0000.

    Take care of yourself. Is there someone who can look in on you (e.g., make sure you wake up in the morning), as you might have for an elderly relative?



  3. Have you considered writing the station? If a TV station gets even a small number of complaints about a show, they're taken *very* seriously because they know that for every complaint, there are 10 (or 100) other people who are as angry but won't write.

    Also, if they're making health claims (e.g., curing cancer), there may be recourse through, say, Health Canada: advertising unproven medical treatments is *seriously* not allowed. The show probably has some kind of qualifier that gets them out of this, but it might be worth checking out.


    Brad, Who Used To Watch Rev. Gene Scott, But Not Religiously

  4. What we need is a short (approx. 1-minute) "Phish Sanctuary" theme song that could be burned onto CDs or used on web pages. (Or maybe a set of 30-second pseudo-radio-"ads".)

    Now if I could just come up with a rhyme for "sanctuary"...



  5. So who all is up for this tonight? I've been ambivalating about it, as I'm working through a cold (which is tailing off, but still there), was out last night, and need energy for the weekend...but just might be convincable if enough of the crew were out ("The bigger the crowd, the more people show up for it. You get a small crowd, nobody shows up.").



  6. Has anybody else been watching "Greg The Bunny"? It's pretty twisted (and written well/strangely). In one episode, one of the puppet characters, who's a bit overweight, leans over, and you hear a ripping noise.

    "Uh-oh. I think I just tore myself a new one."

    Which, for a puppet, could be a common problem, you might think...

    Dave-O: are you guys taping the show? Hope it goes well.



  7. The show last night was a standard Huxtablast. Highlights for me:

    - having my buddy Niall (who's never been to a Nugget show) show up

    - that cute blonde who was handing out free beers (to me, Davey Boy, and CatPhish) in "thanks for supporting live music"

    - seeing the place fill up as the night wore on; getting close to 9pm, the band outnumbered the audience

    - getting home before midnight (sorry, doubleB, but I actually *like* shows that run 9pm-11pm on Sunday through Thursday; stayin' out late on school nights tends to drag me down)

    - having the funkengrooven spread to a new venue

    - and, finally and most importantly, the music: it was up to Dr. Huxtable's usual funky/groovy/fun standard; thanks, guys and girl



  8. IIRC, if you have someone prepare your return and get paid for it, you have to list that somewhere on your return.

    In a pinch, and if your return's simple, you might want to try (or at least check the rates of) H&R Block. Don't get them to give you advance on your refund, but they do an adequate job on simple returns*.



    * My father (who used to do the family [his, Mom's, mine, my brother's, grandparents'] taxes) took their return prep course, as did a friend of his (who ended up working at Block). Other than that, I have no experience or affiliation with them. YMMV. Caveat Emptor.

  9. You mean a Mood Avatar? You attach it to a part of your body (your finger maybe, or something akin to it), hook it up via USB to your computer, and a special program figures out your mood and tells the Phish Sanctuary which avatar to display?

    Or you could just create a bunch of Santuary accounts for your various moods ("The Many Moods Of GentleMonkey"), and use whatever struck your fancy (or something akin to it).

    Me, I think I'm getting my semicolon today...


    BRAD (Boisterous Rotating Avatar Definitions)

  10. One other thing you might want to try, even though it's not Phish, is Zappa. "The Yellow Shark" is an incredible album, especially since it features orchestral versions of songs (e.g., "Pound For A Brown", "Bebop Tango") that are also available as done by his rock'n'roll bands. Putting the orchestral side-by-side with the r'n'r might be a good bridge between the two.

    TYS also has a good mix of full-on orchestral playing, single/dual piano, small string section pieces, dramatic recitations (e.g., "Welcome To The United States"), and dance pieces (e.g., "G-Spot Tornado", a flat-out mind bender).



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