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Posts posted by bradm

  1. In case you didn't know, MuchMusic and MusiquePlus are airing Tenacious D's video for "Tribute" (and MP has it as their BuzzClip this week, IIRC).

    It's pretty fun. The two of them go into a "Record Your Song" booth at a mall, and once inside go through a re-enactment of what made them write the song to which "Tribute" is a tribute. (The booth shots alternate between the re-enactment and the reality of them inside the booth.) There are also shots of what's going on in the mall while they're recording (with a muffled bleed-thru of the song from inside the booth).



  2. Sorry to hear about that. One tip would be to find music that matches your mood (e.g., "Since I've Been Lovin' You" by Led Zeppelin, or other angry/mournful/hurtin' blues-kind-of stuff). It'll give you the feeling that you're not alone, and by "feeling" along with the songs, allow those feelings to vent. I'd avoid "happy" music and love songs (Celine Dion is hereby contraindicated), as that might tend to remind you that you're not as happy as other people who aren't going through what you're going through. (The mood-matching music, OTOH, can act as a kind of audio support group.)

    Also realize that moving on takes time, and you'll have to work through your feelings (when you feel angry, or sad, go for the feeling, and experience it out). How long has it been? Maybe you just haven't waited long enough.

    Of course, going out and getting drunk with your friends at a good concert is always helpful...

    Good luck, man.



  3. quote:

    Originally posted by Ms.Huxtable:

    Hahaha. BradM, I was wrong on that one as well. seems I bet AGAINST you posting first. Those ticket agents confuse me with their Jedi mind tricks.

    Oh, and thanks for reminding me that I owe another $25.00. DAMN~!~
    mad.gif" border="0

    I knew I should've sent that response by e-mail...

    But I still feel used, just by somebody else. I cannot be bought, but ask about our attractive long-term leasing packages...



  4. How about half on each? Or pro-rate it: if you enjoy 420s 50% more than snootfuls, spend 2/3 on 420s, 1/3 on snootfuls. (Or the other way 'round, so that you get equal enjoyment from both.)



  5. I guess I should be the first to chime in on this one...

    That TOASTER was impressive, Ms. H.; I think you've got the


    Needed for




    I tried MS. HUXTABLE, but that X is a





    although I managed to get close:






    Ability &




    I kind of look at it as a form of haiku: with 4 letters, I try to comment on or refer to the body of the message. It got easier once I started putting punctuation in (so that BR could be one phrase, and AD another, for example).

    Bring 'em on folks!



    P.S. To see what the letters of your name can spell, click here

  6. It was fun. The song sounded a bit like Oysterhead's "Oz Is Ever Floating" to me.

    Who's the keyboard player? I'd guess it was Roy Paczkowski (sp?) of viperHouse, but I'm not sure.



    P.S. To any gearheads in the Sanctuary: it looked like Trey's amp setup was a single BFDR, but what was that brown box sitting on top of the amp?

  7. quote:

    Originally posted by Low Roller:

    I'm at work, slowly having my will to live syphoned away from me. Now where did I put that toaster and knife?

    You're right, LR, a couple of hot knives would help right 'bout now...



  8. quote:

    Originally posted by CatPhish:

    Many late nights I have woke tothe hum of the toaster oven and the smell of cheese on taost!

    Gotta love "taost"...that would be a baked bread thing that was the only food eaten by a certain type of Zen monk in the mountains of Nepal. Or the set of exercises you do while roasting bread: taost tai-chi.



  9. Gad, the flashbacks the Cavern induces are almost too much to bear...

    Anybody else do toaster-oven mini-pizzas? I vividly remember making them with my Grandmother, who used to take care of my brother and I the odd weekend when our parents would go on a trip.

    You split open an English muffin, spoon on some canned tomato sauce, add a slice or three of pepperoni and a couple of slices of mozerella cheese, and bake. For a kid spending quality time with Grandma, they're a delight.

    I've also done appetizers in a similar way: get some of the square pumpernickel bread (the kind you can use to tile a bathroom), cut into 1" squares, put on some proscuito and havarti cheese, put on a rack, and into the toaster-oven on "toast". A few minutes later, you've got hot canapes.



  10. Happy trails, boyz, there and back. I'm dying to read some nerologs from the road. (And if you find any good bands that haven't made it out here yet, but want to, bring back some contact info for doubleB. :-)



  11. I had a small-scale fever dream last night, and in the midst of it, had a vision: a GTB / D&T set-blender night...

    Chant with me, now: Grand Theft Tuba, Grand Theft Tuba, Grand Theft Tuba...

    Maybe we could bring it up to them at CTMF.



  12. quote:

    Originally posted by howler:

    I have always had the worst urge to stick a knife in the darned thing....I would never do it...but begeesers do i ever want to....anyone else? Howler may need help!
    shocked.gif" border="0

    You won't need help until *after* you stick the knife in the toaster.

    Me, I'm a medium-brown-toast kinda guy. I like crumpets, too, but not English muffins (a difference of opinion I have with my brother).

    Does anybody else remember the song "Toast"? CFNY used to play it once in a while in their off-beat days in the mid-80s. It was a pleasant little ditty (by an English guy) about making toast.


    BRAD (Bread? Roasting...Almost Done...)

  13. The little guys in my head who dance around at good shows are going *nuts*: a double-dose of Grand Theft Tuba...for anybody who can't make CTMF, this will be like a mini-fest...I sense some serious toaster competition at this show...I may just throw a slice into the ring...



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