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Posts posted by Weirdness

  1. Yeah, the idea is that the buzz that you get offa this stuff is different from your average hard liquor in the same way that say, tequila is. Some likely find that booze is booze, but these two I personally find to be pretty much in a league of their own, more of a high drunk in terms of how they make you feel.

  2. Caught them a couple of times back in the day...

    Was our own Velvet not part of this band when it was in existence?

    Could be wrong. Anyways, very spontaneous and wacky stuff indeed. Best Ottawa band ever?





  3. Yo!

    If you're considering getting into MD recording right now, you should look into the new format that they've just come up with called I believe HIMD. Firstly, you get a 1gig disc which poses a major advantage and the second thing is that apparently this thing has .wav capabilities meaning that you don't have to deal with all the compression bullshit. Also, you can connect this puppy to your computer and upload the files via USB digitally rather than having to buy another home deck with a digital out in order to make perfect transfers.

    All that being said, it has not 100% been said yet wether you can use the line/mic input and still record uncompressed. The answer to this one should come out within the next couple of weeks. If I find out the answer, I'll post it here.

    Seems to me the retail on the cheaper unit is $349 canadian which isn't so bad. All of the new models are in the new "Sony Style" magazine which you can get at any Sony dealer.

    Also consider the Creative Nomad JB3 which is a portable hard drive(20-40gig) device which has become quite popular recently and does not require that you pay for any media.

  4. Whoa!!! That's a mouthful, isn't it now!!!

    At any rate, the deal is that you go to phish.com, then dry goods, then what's new or whatever it's called and you can then pre-order the poster. I think they're taking orders until thursday or something like that and will print as many as they have orders for.

    Yahoo!!! Now we don't have to wait in line all day!!!

    10,000 posters X $50 = $500,000!!!

  5. Can someone tell me why the king of stirring the pot and disturbing sh!t on this board, not to mention the first to hijack my good name is unable to take a spoonful of his own medicine? Seriously man, you love to dish it but you're a real pussy when it comes to payback time. Can you say hippycrite?

  6. ADK would be a good option for cost effective microphones, likely similarly priced to the Oktavas. AKG also has numerous options at numerous price points as well, the C1000's being a popular choice. Far as a pre/ad goes, the Edirol UA-5 seems to be the best cost effective option and has an optical out for your MD deck but the catch is they have to be modified to work without a laptop.

    A great place to do some research on all this would be:


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