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Posts posted by Weirdness

  1. Sweet!!! Thanks man. We've got tix for Frisell in TO Tuesday so that would work out fine, though the Calexico thing is a rare appearance nearest I can figure. I put our cell #'s in the Bluesfest forum so feel free to give us a shout and if you need floorspace, we've got a room...

    So Good for dinner tomorrow anyone???

  2. Yes, I realize that there is another forum for the Bluesfest, but I figured this would be a better way to get a response...

    Anyhoo, I am going to be hitting up Calexico tomorrow night and they are taper friendly but I was wondering if Brad M or someone else could tell me if they have had any problems getting their gear into the festival. Any insight is appreciated...

  3. Saw this on another board, pretty funny shit.

    "whenever franti says "how you feeelin" drink. he said it 37 times on saturday @ red rocks, per phil rollins, and almost 30 times on sunday. myself, jonny, and rollins polished off a 10oz flask and 2 6oz flasks during his set. what a clown. between him saying it every 2 minutes, at the end of each song, and then about 5 in a row at the end of his set, we were trashed. by far he was the worst band that i saw (did not stick around for cheese)

    but it is a fun game to play. try it and see."

  4. Some friends of ours who are not going just dropped off a pair of tickets for MMW Saturday night. We're on our way out right now, so PM will not work but if you're interested, give us a shout on Tasha's Cell phone:

    (519)362-4636 and we can meet up before the show or sometime on Saturday. Face is $52 each but I'm sure they'll be a bit flexible rather than eating them.

  5. Saw Brand sands a couple of times tonight during the Mule set in Buffalo, had a walkie talkie and all that as well which implies that he was working and not just out to catch the show...

    Wondering if anyone knows if he is their tour manager now???

    Fun show anyways, lots of covers-He Said, She Said, Tomorrow Never Knows(could be Baba O' Riley-I always get those mixed up), Other One Jam, Mountain Jam.

    Medeski were great, but about a tenth as deadly as they will be tomorrow night...

  6. Doing a torrent is a possiblilty, but I've got a Denson show from Buffalo last week in line first. Only other issue is that the master was done on a standalone burner and may have "sector boundry" issues meaning that apparently you may hear pops at the beginning of some of the tracks. The alternative is doing another master as single tracks, reading them into the computer, splitting the tracks there, then FLACing the thing up which is way too much work at present.

    ...far as MMW goes Blane, I am going to be hitting up Buffalo, Toronto and Montreal, so I will definetely be bringing the rig. No Phish, no Slip, gotta hit up the Medeski shows...

  7. Yes, you can use the word annual even if it is the first one. The idea is that we get together once a year, using the word annual implies that the event be held on a yearly basis. If there should be a second annual, then the first year is then to be called what? See below.

    "an·nu·al ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ny-l)


    Recurring, done, or performed every year; yearly: an annual medical examination.

    Of, relating to, or determined by a year: an annual income.

    Botany. Living or growing for only one year or season."

    ie. the first year in which you earn a wage is still called your "annual" income.

  8. Was wondering if anyone would be into getting a group rate at Canada's Wonderland at some point this summer, a skank spunyan funland day type thing.

    Thinking sometime in August, either the weekend of the 4th, 20th or 27th or even sometime early September. Anyways, if you're interested speak up and I'll find out how many people we need to get a better deal.

  9. Friendly reminder about the free KDTU show tomorrow in Buffalo. It's called Thursdays in the Square if you're looking for directions etc. There are a couple of openers, so Denson won't likely go on until around 7pm.

    Other artists to play free in Buffalo this year:

    MMW-(June 26th**SUNDAY-Art Voice Street Festival)

    Little Feat(June 30th)

    Sarah Harmer(July 7th)

    moe.(July 22nd**FRIDAY-different venue)

    OK, here's the link:


  10. Just found this on another board, could be bullshit but it came from someone that obviously has some ins with the Phish crew.

    "Seems he wasn't happy with this incarnation of his band either...

    So, he will be going back in the studio for the 4th time to re-record the album...

    Look for a new line-up before Zooma Tour..."

  11. I've known about this for awhile, but didn't want to bring it up until it was for sure a done deal, pressed and all that. Anyways, this was a fantastic show, one of the best that I've seen as well as one of the better recordings that I have pulled. It's on a label from Montreal that does obscure Jazz shit called Red Toucan Records. If you see it around, check it out!!!


    "This is the time for our spring release ; it is a splendid duet from French bassist Joelle Leandre and American violinist India Cooke, recorded live, September 11th. 2004 at the Guelph Jazz Festival."

    ''FIREDANCE '' # RT 9327

    "The music of this performance is no mere accomplishment, but

    a challenging necessity of survival in its purest form. It is the

    stuff of life, composition and improvisation. It is the firedance.

    In this meeting, we are points of light offering the highest good

    as we strive to touch the pulse of the universe. Our music starts

    from the spark of a unified spirit, ignited through the channeling

    of a small group of people, our audience, and represents in some

    way or another all the basic things we are in this world. It is the

    embodiment of humanity. What you hear in this offering is what

    and who we were that day on 9-11-'04, what we all were. It is

    perfection in and of those moments. Nothing more, nothing less.


    - India Cooke

    "Joëlle Léandre and India Cooke performed in an intuitive, moving duet, showcasing their complete musicianship and mastery of their respective instruments. "

    ( One final note )

    "Virtuosic French bassist Joelle Leandre appeared in a beautifully empathetic duet with under-rated violinist India Cooke, both showing how the rigors of classical training and wild improv impulses can be artfully blended, and with humor in the veins."

    ( Jazz Times Magazine )

    Michel Passaretti

    Red Toucan Records / Cactus Records

    720 Fleury ouest

    Montreal, Quebec

    Canada, H3L 1W3

  12. Been on my mind to post this one for awhile. Any live or studio music will do, but something that has really impressed you or kicked your ass as of late...


    George Harrison-Dark Horse --one of those records that had been inherited from here or there but never got any play until recently. The emotion on this is something else, lines like "I'm a dark horse", "goodbye happiness...hello loneliness" are so raw, so powerful...

    ...so then, please share as this seems a good way to bring to light the really good shit that we've been exposing ourselves to in the past little while...

  13. pb8755.gif

    I like the Pope

    The Pope smokes dope

    He'll smoke it all

    From skunk to rope

    Or nugs and buds

    That reek of hope

    I like the Pope

    The Pope smokes dope.

    A telescope

    Reveals the Pope

    Purveying evil's antidote:

    The Pontiff is

    No misanthrope:

    He'll help you cope

    He'll share his dope.

    The bishops' vote

    Elects a Pope

    To lead the Church

    And saints promote.

    White puffs of smoke

    Announce the bloke

    Who'll sit and toke

    Saint Peter's dope.

    The dopin' Pope

    Will take a toke

    On any weed

    That he can smoke

    From joints or bongs

    He'll hit and croak:

    "I am the Pope ...

    And I smoke dope."

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