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Posts posted by Weirdness

  1. Figured it worth passing this info along for anyone in the GTA who is looking for a killer deal on any gear. This sale happens a couple of times a year but it is not really advertised because it would royally piss off their dealers. Stupid prices, $59 for a DVD player that would normally cost $1000 with tax etc. Everything for sale is either demo or refurbished but will come with warranty for sure.

    Anyways, their head office is located in Markham. Friday all day and Saturday morning of this week.

  2. It's about time that they figured that one out. What a great way to get exposed to all the shite that they are gabbing about in the magazine.

    My current favourite magazine is Uncut which is from the UK and has a ton of great reviews on music both new and old as well as movies and includes a CD compilation with each issue. Great way to sample a bunch of stuff and make your own call on what you really like versus what they are saying that they do.

  3. If there weren't any tapers, that means that my homies from Guelph punked out on me. I would have been there but I had to work. No biggie though, these bitches are repeating way too many songs from one night to the next. I'd hate to have to have to toss a bottle at Brad's head at the third round of I hate Love or Whine and White Soda...

  4. Great show, but they played more newer stuff that could have had a better mix with the older. They were ON for sure though, pretty much a flawless performance and Brad's voice sounded better than I've ever heard it which made for a real treat. Perfect venue for these guys as well, not too big, not too small. Obviously he's been practicing after hearing all the people on the board here bitching that he can't sing. Solid all around though, they could have played a bit longer though... Short, but sweet.

  5. First set was weak, lots of sloppy vocals and disjointedness but the second half was definitely the goods. Awesome venue and the encore was THE SHIT!!! A great time was had by all. Rumour has it that they are going to play the same venue next Tuesday so it might be worth keeping an eye on that one.

    01/23/06 The Town Ballroom, Buffalo, NY

    Set I: Stranger Than Fiction, Crab Eyes, Lost Along the Way, Blue Jeans and Pizza, Jazz Wank> Four1> She

    Set II: Time Ed> Dr. Graffenberg2> Water, Letter Home, Hi and Lo> Brent Black

    Encore: Time> Don't Fuck With Flo

  6. Funny, I was in London today and it appears that Dr. Disc is closing their doors there as well who have been there since forever. Their selection has been shite as of late though which obviously doesn't help, plus there is another shop next door that has a great selection that seems to have pushed them over the edge. Record Runner always had an excellent selection though, very surprising. Guess the MP3 craze is really affecting the industry as a whole. In fact, apparently Sony are no longer producing CD laser transports if that's any indictation of what's going on out there...

  7. Wondering if anyone would be interested in a possible trade or B&P of the boards from the Halloween Ratdog show. My copy has some noise on it from the air circulation system in the docks and besides, it was such a good time it would be nice to hear the perfect copies. I'm sure that there would be something that I can trade you for...

  8. I agree that Vermont is a great idea. If you want to avoid the US, Mount St. Anne in Quebec is a great family oriented place to go and I'm sure has a ton of cross country options as well. It's not as huge as Tremblant, but the runs are great and won't bore you if you're there for a week or so. If you do get bored, there's also a place calles Le Massif which is close by and supposed to be quite nice as well...

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