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Posts posted by Weirdness

  1. Apparently Ryan Adams has had alot of health problems over the past couple of years, though I wouldn't be surprised if he was in rehab. It's possible that he bailed because he hadn't learned any of the material yet as well. The Red Rocks show that they did together really shows that Ryan is a bit out of the loop with regard to all that.

    Even if Ryan wasn't great, Joan sucks!!!

  2. Forgot my selection of tunes when I got in the car this morning, had a disc in the player and didn't realize until I was 10 minutes up the road. Man, what tripe they put on the radio!!! I have been 100% anti radio since I was in highschool and have always had a ton of other shit to listen to so it hardly registers as even existing but whoa, what an awful bunch of crap they shove down peoples throats all day long.

    Of course, there is some good shit on the radio as well, indie stuff, Jazz and Classical and the like which is quite good, but the vast majority does not fall into this category. The advent of digital radio without commercials is interesting as the quality isn't shit like FM/AM is, but the selection still seems fairly lean so far. Regardless, I think that if there were no radio then we would be saved from alot of terrible music...

  3. Great disc, the drums are a real nice addition to the mix on this one. Great song selection as well, the Sweet Emotion cover is pretty neato. Definitely a breath of fresh air, it's great to hear something different from the norm.

    As a sidenote, I picked this disc up at Soundscapes records in Toronto, AWESOME record store. Great selection, everything is really well laid out and easy to see. Reasonable pricing as well. Lots of those more obscure things that you wouldn't find elswhere. All new, no used, no vinyl just a wicked selection of CD's.

  4. I haven't heard the Bose phones, but I have the Sony 600's and wouldn't say they're the shit or anything, but they do a real nice job. Comfy and crispy, but I don't cream myself every time I listen to music through them. I always live by the "buy Bose, get hosed" mantra, but they could be fantastic.

    Supposedly the best noise cancelling phones are the etymotics, but they are in ear style which may not be what you're after. For non noise cancelling phones, you might consider a pair of Grado's, they're a highly regarded choice. Confused yet???


  6. Not sure just exactly how new this news is, but it's the first time that I've seen this one on the shelves. Picked it up at Smellers in fact which was quite a surprise.

    Jerry Garcia Band-Live At Shoreline 9-01-90

    "On September 1, 1990, at the Shoreline Amphitheatre, The Jerrry Garcia Band performed a particularly poignant kind of magic. A Grateful Dead show was originally scheduled for that date but was cancelled due to the untimely death of the dead's brilliant, passionate keyboard player, Brent Mydland, in late july. Rather than cancel the gig, the Jerry Garcia Band stepped in to deliver one of their must heartfelt performances".

    Haven't watched it up yet, but it looks pretty sweet.

  7. Yeah, I taped it. There was a guy from Buffalo there as well. Fantastic show to say the least. The vocals were quite faint in the mix, but otherwise it should sound pretty nice. A definite highlight of the summer. Kudos to the boys at Pepperjacks for lining up the show.

  8. FYI you have a great guitar there with shit pickups. I have the exact same one, colour and all and everything I read said that if you either put some true Gibson or Seymour Duncan pickups in it it's the bomb. I've never been happy with mine either, and haven't gotten around to modding it up, but if someone were to score a good deal on this used and throw a few extra bones into the upgrade, I'm sure you'd be loving this guitar.

  9. An Edirol UA5 would be a great bet which would allow you to matrix the mics you buy and whatever is coming out of the soundboard. Add one of those JB3 jobs and you're all set. Whatever mics suit your budget would do just fine. Small issue is that you need a modified UA5 in order to do this as far as I know. They pop up used all the time, I think there's one up right now on www.taperssection.com .

    And there are a couple of units out there that allow you to do what you're after Weezy, one is an Edirol R4 I believe and the other is a Sound Devices 744T. Pick one up for me while you're at it...

  10. Yowza!!!

    Wow. What can I say, great show. The "Good Trip" encore was the decided low point, but the rest was outstanding. The second encore assured that my bad trip about the "Good Trip" thing was short lived. I don't think anyone walked away disappointed from this one.

    7/22/05 Buffalo Place - Buffalo, NY

    Campbell Brothers opened. Free show.

    1: Bring You Down > Brent Black, Nebraska, Disembodied Head, Tailspin > Timmy Tucker

    2: Spine of a Dog > Yodelittle > Dr. Graffenberg, Brittle End, Recreational Chemistry > Akimbo

    E: Good Trip, Sensory Deprivation Bank

  11. ...so I had a listen to this source today and see what you mean about the BOOM!!! I had to crank the bass way down in the car to get it down to a listenable level. Otherwise, it sounded quite fine along the rest of the spectrum. Only solution in this case is either a proper stereo that can reproduce low end properly or turn the bass down...

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