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Posts posted by Weirdness

  1. I would file these guys under "Jazz lite" but they're still a lot of fun to see. As long as there are no other big shows on the same night I'd have to think that they'd draw a fair crowd. Far as the Fishman thing goes, I caught the show they played at the Tralf where Nero opened and the drummer that they had blew Fishman out of the water!!! It's a rotating lineup far as I know so it's hard to say what you're going to get. Just found out the players on that particular night-Danton Boller-Bass, Dan Weiss-Drums.

  2. I have both the Toronto and Montreal show on single track masters which need to be tracked and flacked before I can do a torrent. As I am a typical slacker, this takes much longer than anticipated. The only other hitch that I may run into is that I have not been able to yet get the green light to go on my BT program with our new wireless modem. If I can't get it going proper, I'll have to beg Tungsten to get it going for me(you the man brah!) or snail mail copies out for someone else to torrent.

    I'll post a link in the BT forum when it's all done up(Toronto will come first)

  3. Howdy all!

    Looks like we're not gonna make this one, so there are two tix up for grabs. Section 120, Row 23, Seats 16 & 17. $66.25 w/all charges, $50 each. I'm going to likely hit up the Little Feat show at the Phoenix, so if anyone wants to meet up before the show we could likely work it out. I figure that I can always sell them to a scalper if no one wants em' but thought that maybe someone here might be able to put them to better use.

    PM or bobbyweir@hotmail.com

  4. Well, all I can say is that the Torontonians injured the boys pretty hard, as opposed to it being the other way around as it usually is. The show was quite good actually, really emotional and quite intense. A bit of a weird vibe I thought altogether, but good times all the same. Only drag about the whole thing is that the boys didn't go on until way late which made for a fairly short set. A fair number of people, not crazy packed or anything but it was good to see that almost everyone was dressed in costume. Punks FUBAR costume was hillarious!!!

  5. Yeah, I've got em' and promise that it will be worth your wait. Our computer crapped out a couple of weeks back and thanks to Tungsten it's back up and running, but I haven't had a chance to load any programs on or anything like that. With any luck, I'll have one of the shows up before the moe. run and the other after. So that's the deal.

  6. You should only have to open up your ports if you have a router or firewall. BT might be reading your ip wrong as well, in which case you should be able to go online and find out what your exact address is, then go into your BT program and make sure that it knows your proper IP. It's always easier said than done I'm afraid, Tasha picked up a wireless router last week and I did all the necessary changes but the program will still not give me a green light, even though the speeds are acceptable. The moral of the story:

    Computers are a bitch.

    here's a link that might help:

    port forwarding help

  7. "Another reason progress has been slow is because NIDA-funded studies performed by Dr. George Ricaurte and Dr. Una McCann found that MDMA had ill effects on the brain. A 2002 study was particularly worrisome because it showed that ecstasy caused Parkinson's-like brain damage. But a year later, the researchers retracted the study because they discovered they had accidentally used methamphetamine instead of ecstasy."

    Heard about this, but never got firm confirmation in black and white. Very interesting...

  8. Funny that all this should come up, as this whole thing has been one that I have been thinking about quite a bit as of late.

    The Slip are one of those bands that makes you wonder, why are they still playing small clubs-ie. Pepperjacks(?) when they are clearly a theater caliber band. They'll never be selling out hockey arenas or anything like that but still it seems that they are lacking in comparison to a number of other current bands in the popularity department.

    As I see it, the reason for this is that these guys do not deliver the straight ahead style X or Y or Z type of music, drifting effortlessly from Jazz to Rock to more folky ballad type stuff, to a more ravey sound and everywhere in between within the course of a 2 hour show. Because of this vast scope, it seems that the accessability of this music is far less than a band like moe. or Yonder Mountain who go at a given style of music every night and give their crowds exactly what they expect to hear.

    "Genre Bending" would be the best way to describe this and it does not stand to reason that if you like Jambands in general, that you will also like The Slip. In fact, it would seem that other than the fanbase and other related associations of who they play with etc. that these guys really have created a style of their own which defies categorization. This, above all else is what I love about these guys, they do their own thing, and are unafraid to explore at will.

    Now, with regards to the vocals, I am in full agreement with the fact that Brad's vocals are the weakest link in this band. From one night to the next, the vocals seem to have considerable variation from great to poor and very much off key. You cannot deny that Brad sings with incredible conviction and this is what makes the vocals great, but it seems that his voice can be strained easily, throwing the sound off in a very different direction.

    I feel that in many instances, the vocals may very well be weak not so much because Brad's voice is sh!t, but rather that he cannot properly hear himself in the crude settings that these guys often play in. With all the caucophony going on around with the music must make it very difficult at times for Brad to really hear himself properly. I have heard that Donna Jean Godchaux's vocals with the dead often suffered from poor monitoring, this often being the reason that she sounded so BAD at times. Lots of people still hate her period and thought that she didn't belong with the dead, but when she was actually on key, she could be great at times.

    When I listen to the Angels Come On Time disc, it really makes me think that this guy has an amazing voice, and the potential that these guys really have when they're "on". Could it be that Brad can't properly hear himself? No idea, but I am hoping that if these guys can get to the point where they are given proper respect for their talents, that they will be able to afford a monitor guy, or some in ears or something like that which could help a great deal.

    At any rate, to each their own and all that but I think it's plain to see that these guys miss with alot of people due to the fact that they are all over the place musically which is something that makes them less palatable than other bands. If this be their weakness, it also becomes a part of their success as I think for alot of people they are sick of the same ol' jamalama ding dong type sh!t and are looking for something more on the verge and out of the ordinary, but still with the intensity that comes with live "jam" style music.

    Anyhoo, clearly The Slip are not for everyone and their lack of achieving any great success is if nothing else, a testament to this. Not to say that they are not successful, but rather that they are a band that should be staying at the Sheraton every night and travel in a full on bus etc. Kudos for staying the course they want and not moulding their sound to what they feel the kids want to hear.

  9. My call is that it's your movie and you can do whatever the fu©k you want with it, but given the vast amount of room on a DVD and the fact that they can be made dual sided, they should have included the original cuts along with the new versions. Even if both, or really all three versions could not fit onto one disc, they easily could have made each movie a 2 disc set, one with the original or classic renditions and one with the directors new vision for the film.

    It's a MAJOR drag to have to dust off the ol' VHS copies to experience it the way you did for the first time.

    ...or, maybe they're saving the super box set with all versions included for the christmas season...

  10. Not too tough a call to make, though there were a number of others that stand out as well, but if forced to choose:


    06/24/04 (Thu) Verizon Wireless Music Center - Noblesville, IN

    Set 1: Loving Cup, Cities > Back On the Train, Vultures, My Mind's Got a Mind of its Own, Down with Disease > Rock and Roll

    Set 2: Tube, Run Like an Antelope, The Wedge, Timber Ho, Prince Caspian > Simple, Walls Of the Cave, E: Squirming Coil

    Gotta be one of the top three post hiatus and without question the tightest and heaviest Phish show I attended since 2000.

  11. Yeah, I'll bet you'd TAKE Andrew Barr any way you could get him you sick fu©k!!!

    I liked how this guy was uber agressive and I think you're saying that he doesn't have the finesse that Andrew does, but one thing is for certain... they both have light years to come before they can lick the spit off Billy Martin's boots!!! I'm sure you'll disagree though.

    Far as the funky noises go, I'd guess that they all come from the keys. Dude's got a pretty interesting setup with loads of effects on top of each one. Almost looked to me like he had a typical noodle guitar players set of pedals on each of his keyboards which he turned on and off, spun dials on etc. in order to achive certain effects.

  12. Actually...big thanks to the Heady Gouda man for putting this one up. Apparently he did the bit torrent from his hotel room which had high speed access and all that on sunday night. I was buggin' him to put that one up first though, seeing as it was most likely the one that everyone would be after. Anyhoo, enjoy everybody!

  13. Just woke up? Looks more like someone who hasn't slept in 72 hours to me.

    Yeah, and I think Trey should quit Phish and rock it out with the TAB and groove the salsa beats eternal, just like Bobby should have quit the dead and gone full time with The Midnites!!!

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