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Posts posted by SolarGarlic

  1. As Bobby sat there gazing at the wonder that is THE apple of the earth, he couldn't help but notice a faint, machine-like humming coming from the wine cellar. Although his father had always instructed him not to go into the cellar, Bobby suddenly felt waves of pleasure fload his head as he thought about the wonderous elixers that the old man had fermented over the years. Grasping the door handle, he slowly pulled it open.....

  2. quote:

    Originally posted by shainhouse:

    we should bring Ctree over here.

    We kinda like our little list how it is [smile] As much as i love this site too, I think we're just gonna let ctree be....although anyone can join it, the fact that there are no official archives or google bots archiving every message is something we like! Its a simple site that can be viewed in *nix terminal windows as well as IE, Netscape, Opera etc.

    anyhow, as far as trading and stuff goes, I find that very few people actually "trade" like we used to, say, 4 or 5 years ago. Most people have fast internet connections and simply us DC, ftp, usenet or other means to download the music they like. Thats not to say that some of us snail mail traders are still around, cause we are! Although, most of the music i get comes from downloading....and, when i do offer the "hot" new shows up for B+P, trade,etc, most people never get around to sending discs because since getting in on the b+P, have found the ftp where they can download!!

    anyhow, trading rules, and so does music.

    PS: if anyone is trying to get to the ctree.org site, we are down right now due to a router failer out on the west coast.....check back another day [smile]

  3. yeah, i have the LG 40x model and am really enjoying it! The burn proof is GREAT.

    As for the HP models, i think they are pretty hit and miss. Although, I have and external 4x HP burner that still works after about 3 years or so. Literally burned thousands with thing.

    Plextor is the obvious choice for the "high end" stuff i suppose. THey cost more but have a proven track record.

    Personally, id go with the LG BSherman posted ...

  4. Going with the idea of spreading some Holiday cheer, maybe we could arrange a charity thing? set up a Paypal account or something and people could toss in 5 bucks or something?? Maybe an adopt a family type of thing...i don't know. I do know that between this board, people who hangout on jamhub and the rest of us who belong to the ctree.org mailing list, we could raise something for someone. Maybe even some of the bands that we know and love could each dedicate a night or two to giving proceeds of the show to said charity/family??

    I love the Secret Santa thing too!!

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