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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. i know i'm going back thousands of years here, but the simple fact that we have enough disposable time to create anything that isn't required for survival is amazing to me. That we all work together so that neccessary energy expended is at it's minimum is great. Think about it....if you're busy gathering food, water, and flamables so that you can survive to tomorrow you don't have much time or energy for anything else. THAT is where it's at i think. It's human intelligence that allows for artisitc notions, not the other way around. community, which inspires culture (of which art is an extrension), is what's so impressive to me.

  2. this sucks girl...i was going to mention to you that keeping all your disc books in your car wasn't a good idea when yuo were hear last, now i really wish i hadn't gotten stoned and forgot. i'll hook you up from the magical shelf of music....i need to clear a shelf off for more books anyways. like greg said...come on down!

  3. i like mel's montreal deli on bloor, between bathurst and spadina for breakfast....it's 24 hours...and you can get a burger topped with montreal smoked meat....yuck...but if you like meat, go for it! they also have smoked meat spring rolls that weren't too bad....many variations on smoked meat.

  4. i think the guy should definitely have to serve some sort of punishment the fits the crime, but with the possible charges against him i doubt he'll get more than fines.

    "Police said they could lay charges of mischief, being drunk in a public place and performing an indecent act in a public place."

    BEING DRUNK IN A PUBLIC PLACE?!? how they gunna prove that one? and by the way....why aren't cops standing outside every bar in the country if that's illegal? i honestly don't see the purpose in some laws.

  5. Wednesday, July 19th

    Slowcoaster, Carmen Townsend, Tom Fun

    Pepper Jack's

    Hamilton, ON

    Thursday, July 20th

    Slowcoaster, Carmen Townsend, Tom Fun

    The Vynil Cafe

    Guelph, ON

    Friday, July 21st

    Slowcoaster, Carmen Townsend, Tom Fun

    Gypsy Hooch

    Toronto, ON

    that sounds like a fun run!

    jay what time is slow coaster hitting the stage friday? i'm wondering if there's a way to time tND and sloclo so i can fit it into one night.

  6. thanks everyone...it's been a good one so far...great pre birthday weekend....a nice long sleep in today, and now there's a show on people who love their dogs that's making me feel so much less abnormal!

    and to boot, there's a lady with a dog named nero on right now!

  7. whoa, was it your driving foot? i broke my ankle a few years ago and i know the pain of immobilization. hope you heal quickly and correctly! and don't blow off your physio, it's worth it in the long run.

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