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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. try slathering some pesto on a chicken part (i like breasts (come on lazlo...come on with your funny joke))...not too much or it's salty, but enough so you can't really see the meat anymore and bake for 40-45 at 350-375. mmm so tender and moist!

  2. you should be really sorry you missed out marco especially since it was your bday and all (happy day by the way)....dave played brilliantly and slow coaster did a nice 2 set show that had all 12 of us in attendance dancing and head bopping

  3. i thought it was good. it tells a story that most people don't know about and probably should.

    having never read brown's stuff, and having not read a mystery/thriller/suspense novel in QUITE awhile i was impressed with the pace of the novel. i think i read it in 2 or 3 days. one of those "can't put it down" pharmacy books. but that's all it was, nothing more or less, and it least it did what it was well.

    having said that. i read deception point, by the same author about a week later and was VASTLY disappointed. it too was a fast paced interesting story. but i would venture to say the guy has a formulaeic (sp) plot line. insert different character names, setting, and objective, with all the same plot highs and lows, coming at the same points in time. it reminded me why i don't read mystery/thriller/suspense novels.

    he writes well enough. but it's all redundant. i would compare reading his novels to seeing a new band. you love them, the sound it great, the get ya dancin, so you decide to go see them a couple nights later in the next town over, and wham! it's the EXACT same show, same setlist same everything, just in a different bar with a different set of people there. i wouldn't read another one of the guys novels for a long long time.

  4. mattm - looks like the calamitous evil crew is coming from ottawa... might want to try to hit them up...

    Oh, and I'm TOTALLY with Alexis on the closing band thing... Diesel dog gets what, like an hour? I was really hoping for some late night diesel dog that keeps going on and on. They should be thones that get to play until '???'. I would love it if diesel dog and superstack switched places on the schedule.

    eeeexcellent idea...coincidentally...diesel dog has a name perfect for demand style chanting!

  5. Hey, thanks all for the fine links and feedback! Lots of good stuff to mull over.

    Been feeling rather directionless lately -- which is all good fun for awhile ... and then you start to realize that there is a big pit of nothingness where your dreams should be.

    hey man, i feel where you're coming from. all i can say from my own experiences is that to find happiness you must go through your fears.

    follow your dreams, be happy. it's that simple. you might have to be selfish along the way. low roller is partially right. do what you love, everything else will fall into place. doesn't matter about money really. there's a limited amount of money in the world. for every dollar you have that you don't need, someone has one less who really needs it. all you need to do is support yourself and your family.

  6. hey deeps....maybe you didn't get the memo....the day time is for sleeping at ctmf, not for band seeing.

    the earlier nights and better bands playing during the day will make for an interesting experiment though. i'm looking forward to seeing the results.

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