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Tungsten Gruvsten

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Posts posted by Tungsten Gruvsten

  1. mmm i've been cranking a bunch lately from the classic 36 Chambers and Gang Starr to Lil' brother and snippets of timbaland produced stuff...have another hiphop EP project coming up and looking for ideas....

    BUT - in the car I crank El-p's 'I'll Sleep When You're Dead'

    I think you'd dig that one...first track is called Tasmanian Pain Coaster! How can you go wrong. And with a send-up of scientology and a sci-fi track about falling in love on a prison spaceship, it keeps yer interest....

  2. yeah funny I loved Cracked mag as a kid, way more than MAD - and there site is pretty damn solid!

    Article had me at the audio cables - laugh at that all the time but they had me on the energy drinks:

    Staying conscious is hard. There's awareness and cognition and all sorts of other shit that just wants to harsh your mellow.

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