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Tungsten Gruvsten

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Posts posted by Tungsten Gruvsten

  1. Hey that is my hoody of sportiness!

    Agreed - that was a facking 2-day whirlwind of fun - like a blowjob from a tornado!

    Great to see Lorda and 'Patlana' once a day for some laughs before the shows - One hell of a first show Sunshine!

    Thanks to all involved!

  2. NCIX is usually the cheapest - it's in BC so for small stuff the fact you don't pay GST usually offsets the shipping - I got a D-Link 323 dual SATA HD box - they go on sale for $100-$130...then put 1 or two drives in it since 1TB seems to go on sale around the $120 mark every now and then...dual drives you can make RAID for protection/backup. And the DNS323 has a built in bittorrent client...

  3. The best part about digitizing your whole collection is that you have to handle every single CD - I just digitized over 1800 CD's - kept them all as wave files($400 for a 1TB RAID that plugs into your network! Why not?) but the best part was that I held each CD - many of my CD's mean more than just the music on them because I can remember the time in my life if not the place where I bought them or some circumstances...they are the soundtrack to my life. If they meant nothing to me I ripped them and sold them...but at a $1/CD is it worth it to part with your whole collection? Not really. Check on Amazon and Ebay for the rare ones and maximize your bucks that way for sure....but just find a corner for them somewhere unless you are in a bachelor with no space... Mine are all on shelves in a spare room - man my living room looks huge now!

  4. Yeah whatta great name...well before it became part of the rude/swearing lexicon(he's old!)

    He is a great jazz piano player - and his classic Moog albums were leagues ahead of Wendy Carlos' and others in the 50's. Electric Eclectics has some cool wonky tunes on it - The Minotaur esp. ...oh and the whistling sample from Beck's Odelay was lifted from this album...

    Weird that he's doing the resort shows...

  5. it's rewarding to drop a fart at the grocery store in an empty aisle, let it hang there, then promptly leave. Wait for someone to enter the aisle and then go join them in the fart aisle and give them an accusing look as you walk by with your cart.

    Golden - good to hear customers do this - back when I was a grocery store employee we would all take great pride in laying a 'fart trap' in one aisle, then leaving quickly and listening in on the ensuing blame game or going back in the aisle to make them uncomfortable...

    This was second only to my favourite all time grocery store prank - shake up a 2liter of gingerale, put it back on display preferably on an end of an aisle, and just lightly tap it with your casecutter blade...just a small hole - this will spray a fine mist of gingerale for hours upon hours...coating everyone that walks through it in a fine mist that dries quickly....and is sticky as hell! ahh shit.

  6. nice - forwarded this around work and everyone has assigned someones name to each type - started off fun but now they are all pissed off and escalating this to hilarious new levels...9 people, 45 emails in 15 minutes of finger-pointing, shit-profiling mayhem.

  7. Ersh/AD - those are Shure helical antennas for wireless. Could be used for in-ear monitors or wireless mics/instruments. They don't actually block any other signals, but they are usually bandwidth-limited and VERY directional so they are much less susceptible to interference....With DTV creeping in on the 'white space' occupied by entertainment wireless and more and more channels being used onstage at one time, they are more and more common...

    Oh and good to hear this was just gossip without content...i like both bands!

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