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Tungsten Gruvsten

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Posts posted by Tungsten Gruvsten

  1. oh my i'm on a Sonny J bender...very Fatboy Slim/LemonJelly/Fila Brazilia...

    'Handsfree' - the uma thurman trailer park thriller video is awesome...i'm pretty sure the original samples are from a disco remake of a Dolly Parton tune...

    and guaranteed 'Can't stop Moving' hits as huge commercially(and eventually in commercials) as that Mr. Scruff tune from a few years ago...

  2. had a good time - rain was too short to be bothersome(sunday aft for a couple bits) and I only had one er, um, 'incident' of the psychedelic variety on Sat. that put the tilt in my whirl but I recovered well enough...

    Highlights for me were:

    Friday -

    Hawksley! fack, the missus loves him but i've never been a huge fan...this was only the second time i've ever seen him, and he delivered - lotsa covers, starting it off with Jackson 5 and hitting on 'the ocean' by Led Zep and even 'Record Body Count' by Rheos...kee-rist it was good. ScottieMcKingerson has the full list scribbled out somewhere.


    Skipped Elliot Brood for Magic - what a treat that was. Wow...Burning Hell outta Peterborough was great - electric ukelele and husky vocals on a hazy afternoon...

    Plants and Animals was Brilliant! Just lovign this band right now. played a great set and nailed the one song I was wanting to hear all weekend that I can't get outta my head.

    Thunderheist was powerful booty-cru$&*(^@*%^&*#$%^%^*#@&@&*##$$%&*(#&^@(#*&AAAAAAAHHHFACKKK#%@$!@!)(!@*(*@%^@(*)*()#@$)(*@#^&@*&(#@()**()@#*(*()@#*()^@#*&(%@%(#&()

    ...ok fast forward 3 hours later and i'm walking back to the festival...missed a couple good bands but Bourbon and Islands are killer and send me back to camp smiling - couldn't believe how effortlessly the Bourbon singer could belt it out, and the band was killer. The song Chris Brown wrote for his father that Kate Fenner sang was spinetingling - Oh yeah, and there was a drunken photographer that teleported from the crowd in front of us to sidestage. No shit.


    Akron/Family was a tent-burner...lotsa crazy party energy for these guys. Reminded me of Firehose or Minutemen at times.

    Acorn was cookin - apparently I saw them in Ottawa once....gap in memory there.

    Mr Something Something was great but there was a problem with the bass, or should I say the bass was missing almost entirely that distracted me too much - otherwise great energetic set but left a tune early to get in good and deep for BSS - they were great, so much talent in that band.

    I didn't think the line-up was that great either but it really was a packed festival - I was entertained the whole time I was there! Great to see so many friendly faces there that I don't get the chance to hang with much anymore.

  3. Do not feed the oysters I think was the only Pig Lib track...mighta been one other one in there.

    Lots off the new album - Baltimore and Elmo Delmo were epic, as was Real Emotional Trash...ripping guitar solos and pumped up tone....mmmm.

    Off the first album they nailed Phantasies and Jo Jo's Jacket...sweetness....that off-kilter line 'my name is Yul Brynner, I can-not den-y I' just gets me every time...

  4. yup - remember it well...right across from that Crappy T - probably saw my first 20 concerts there in the early 90's, except they were all heavier shows - Pearl Jam/Soundgarden/Rollins Band/Alice in Chains/Screaming Trees/GWAR were all in 92...I think 92 or 93 there was some weird riot going on when I was in line for Soundgarden..I remember the cops coming down the street saying there was people with guns and a big crowd and they were clearing the area...we all went and hid in that Canadian Tire, peering out the windows!

  5. yup - like the 1st album better than this one but it's fun nonetheless....nothing new really, reminds me of more electronic UI or old Tortoise...

    Datarock is doing it for me these days - fine fine stuff!

    and for Electro, Digitalism is key!

  6. pfft on the floor the sound was frickin' great - damn loud too! dweezil was on fire! That was my least fave part of the last time around, now he has definitely picked it up.

    Carolina Hardcore Ecstasy for a closer...unheard of! They played some surprises that's for sure, the Joe's Garage run was fantastic, Outside Now, Packard Goose were facking amazing...

    A sold out house last night definitely might seal the deal for more shows of this nature...

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