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Tungsten Gruvsten

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Posts posted by Tungsten Gruvsten

  1. Love em. Liked Manitou better when it didn't sound like Brian Wilson on a synclavier....saw them live a couple times with double drummers and crazy projections, good fun. Yes it's brilliant but you know what? I'm not that big a fan of 'pet sounds' either and it's brilliant...there I said it.

    Anyways, definitely some cool sounds, manitou hit a bit harder...wasn't until he started trying to sing that the focus was lost...

  2. ok that was fuggin great - so many amazing bits in there!!! the mandelbrot teddybears was a kick ass moment...then again the cat doing kickflips while riding a daschund was pretty cool too!

  3. Y'know, never been a huge fan, bit too hippy wishy washy for me but ever since a buddy of mine started drumming for him(Dave Tolley) it's been an interesting push into a heavier direction...

    He just came and visited me at work, talked about the tour, opening for Dave Matthews and other veddy cool schtuff...some great footage can be had here:


    ..and it looks like Fab Channel has lotsa great stuff up...


  4. Mr. Scruff is awesome he had a huge hit that ended up in ten different commercials, breakbeaty number that started with a clarinet loop - he's a wicked DJ as well...

    Speaking of wicked DJ's, check out the Mark Farina Mushroom Jazz series - must be up to or past #6 by now...fantastic mixes, most done live - downtempo jazzy, funky, all the goods....some fun trickery to keep it unique.

    For artists I love Lemonjelly, Blue States and Dhizan & Kamien - very unique artists that are somewhere near St. Germain...even Kruder & Dorfmeister hits the same stride every now and then.

    for something more atmospheric check out

    Ulrich Schnauss, all 3 albums are fanfriggintastic.

    But the one I will recommend over all others is the Avalanches album - try and get the Australian version not the import as they couldn't clear a whack of samples here that makes that album jaw-dropping... One hiphoppy track called Frontier Psychiatry has all the rhyming lyrics comprised of a myriad of samples...acted out in the video...


    Hey Sasha is coming to TO the night after Ween...

  5. wait a second here they are heavy as shit most of the time - favourite tune off the second album are 'second-hand smoker' because it's so heavy...the first EP though is where it's at - hell it must've come out in 92 or around there because I bought it before I bought 'the pod'...'Carjack' and '1.0' are still some of my faves...

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