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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. Kev, I must say, your logical rationalization is impressive...do you have a legal background?
  2. There was a great turnout at Grossman's on Saturday..nice to see everyone!
  3. Personally, my favourite type of balls are big & hairy, but I prefer at least a week's worth of no-shower-hiking before I give 'em a suck. Suck on, Kathy! Suck on!
  4. Found out my friend and his family are all safe, but still aren't allowed to go home and haven't been given any idea when they will be able to go home. They all got out uninjured, so that's good.
  5. to the girl on the metro with the cleavage - m4w -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2007-08-06, 4:28AM EDT when you got up in the morning and got dressed, you chose to wear an outfit that partly reveals your boobs. you have a mirror. you knew. i didn't force you to wear it. in fact, when you bought this item, you knew that you were going to wear it, in public, and it would be revealing your tits a little (or a lot). make no mistake, i applaud you for this. but what i'm getting at, is that we both know you were showing off your rack. don't lie, it's not very subtle. and don't pretend it's a fashion thing. it's a hooter thing. so when you buy the top, and wear it, in the summer, in public, and you're going to stand in front of me, guess what. I'm going to look at your boobs. first off, you should be flattered. i looked at them because they are nice. you should be upset if you were showing off your knockers and i didn't look at them. actually, them being nice is why i looked at them repeatedly. the first peek was more of an instinct. guy-instinct. we can't help it. after that, we just want to see as much of it as we can. to us, boobs are like the Godfather parts I and II. we can watch them over and over and never get tired of them. anyway, yea, i looked at your cans. a bunch of times, actually. now, i understand no one likes to be stared at. this is why i did in fact look around the rest of the metro to see if there was anything else interesting to look at. unfortunately there were no other hot babes, no bums, no cute babies, no one was wearing a Slayer reign in blood tour shirt. nothing. so i went back to your melons. sorry. it was a boring ride, and they were right in front of me. but i think you forget that i was nice enough to focus on your funbags, as opposed to alternating between them and trying to make eyecontact. now that would have been ungentlemen-like. i realise no one finds true love over a pair of jugs on the orange line. it's just not realistic. so i kept my head down, stood in a position as to be not overly obvious about my staring, made sure i didn't get a semi (i got real close once, but i handled it), and tried to be as polite about the situation as possible. so anyway, i just thought you should know my point of view on what happened. i am not a pervert. i was just a man on a metro. a man who saw something that pulled his mind out of the daily routine, and i held onto it dearly (not literally, ofcourse, though that would have been pretty sick). but as you can tell from this long posting, i do feel slightly bad about my behaviour. so to make up for it, i have decided, with pain in my heart, to release you from my spank bank. i think it is fair to say we are even now. i think i did see a hint of slight animal lust in your eyes when you gave me that annoyed look and got out of the metro. so if you are reading this, baby, i'd really like to take you on a trip... a motorboating trip.
  6. One of my colleagues lives in the area..saw him on the news last night..understandably, he isn't in today..hope his family is OK.
  7. I honestly do not get the Butler adoration/fascination..he had one song that blew me away (no singing, just him playing, it was absolutely phenomenal). Other than that, it was pedestrian pablum..every song sounded the same...well-played, I'll give them that. But uniform and uninteresting. G.Love was disappointing, too. Fun enough. But I've seen them a number of times and I just wish when I saw him he'd play similar setlists to the ones I stream from archive...those are fun, innovative and enjoyable. He started his set with a lot of wanking. Though I did enjoy his renderings of several of my faves (including I-76, Cold Beverages, Booty Call, Baby's Got Sauce etc). All in all, I'm not sorry I went...and I don't think I'd even be sorry if I'd paid to be there. Free made it all the more enjoyable.
  8. Patchoulia

    Hey Hal!!

    It's my pleasure to serve you and your grundle.
  9. I fucking love her. Anyone that wins an Emmy and says (and I'm paraphrasing), "Most people thank god when they win this..well god had nothing to do with this...SUCK IT JESUS!" She's A-OK in my book. Anyone that doesn't get that that is fucking hilarious and doesn't recognize the satiric brilliance of that comment, needs to reach up their ass and see if there's a sense of humour lodged beside the giant stick.
  10. Patchoulia

    Hey Hal!!

    [color:purple]I'm sorry. Mr.Johnson is unavailable for comment at this time. Please leave a message. I'll be sure he gets it.
  11. Patchoulia

    Hey Hal!!

    Hal is taking his son to his first Jays game tonight...I'm sure he'll get back to all of you vis a vis your wide range of requests when he's home again.
  12. Patchoulia

    Hey Hal!!

    Booche. Grundle. Stubble. Oh dear god.
  13. "Trousers" is a word that should be stricken from the English language. Along with "phlegm", "blouse" and "Chevy Chase". (though the last one would technically be considered a phrase)
  14. Keep your sexual proclivities (and accompanying wardrobe) off the board, Schwa.
  15. I'm pretty sure I cried more than once during his performance. It was just so incredibly beautiful.
  16. He is incredible. Everyone I know who has seen him has been so strongly affected. I highly recommend NOT missing this show.
  17. This article could have been written about any number of people we were dealing with during the whole iphone launch/controversy craziness. My favourite email was the one entitled: Ted Rogerz: You're a duchebag!
  18. OK. Jakis & Hal--my addy I pm'ed you tomorrow after 4. Call Basher first. Whitey & Mr Slip--One Mount Pleasant, after 930 or so. Have fun!
  19. I'm still in. Who wants to give me a ride?
  20. OK, so, if no one has a preference as to which seats they sit in, I'll assign the pairs randomly. For pick up, please indicate if you'd rather pick up near High Park after 7:30 pm today or 4 pm tomorrow OR at One Mount Pleasant (anytime today or tomorrow before 6 pm, either day). Hal: High Park Jakis: High Park Whitey: Mr.Slip: Mt Pleasant (Fri)
  21. OK, well, only 4 people are interested. So if Whitey, Jakis, Hal and Mr.Slippery would all be willing to take 2 tickets each, then everyone's happy! Though we then have to decide who is going to sit with whom and you all have to promise to get along...1 wedgie per inning, NO MORE! And no throwing caramel popcorn or barfing!
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