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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. http://www.theonion.com/content/video/home_depot_honors_fallen_soldiers Prepare to laugh.
  2. Schwa, your overwhelming sentimentality brings a tear to the eye..and bile to the throat..
  3. If I don't get a Climb to Safety at one of these shows JB's getting an ass-kicking with my freshly groomed feet. Legit.
  4. This made me cry...watching the video of this puppy...but she's going to be OK! http://getfame.blogspot.com/2008/06/little-hopes-story.html
  5. Yeah, my boss just told me the first time she had it done--at the swanky salon in the Park Hyatt, no less--the woman cut her toe. She said it wouldn't stop bleeding and she was limping for a week! And it was well over $100! And the woman didn't even apologize! I don't know what the "razor" is, but I don't want it anywhere near my feet!
  6. Good to know! LOL Luckily, my feet aren't ticklish...probably because I've always preferred to be barefoot where acceptable and can't really feel anything on the bottom of my feet anyway.
  7. I didn't see a Personal Grooming Forum, so I have no choice but to put this here... 1. What's an average cost for a pedicure? 2. My feet/toes are really gross. Which I'm OK with, but other people might not be...Do you think they've seen worse? I'll be mortified if they say, "Omigod! Your feet!!! Are you an alien? I can't touch those!" Just wondering. Thanks, in advance.
  8. Normally you'd be right. But they bring beer TO YOU in those seats... And sometimes, they'll bring you twice as many as you ordered!
  9. Not sure if this is belated or not...hope it is/was a good one. Sorry to have missed you at the game on Saturday. See you this weekend?
  10. Happy birthday, Aaron! See you next week!
  11. And for the "Office Space" fans on the board...
  12. Someone remind me to kick Bob's ass next time he's in town...thanks..
  13. Andre, we all know to what you're referring...but can't we all just take some hope and happy out of this little tidbit we've been thrown and disgard the negative? So long as no one gets their hopes up toooo fucking high...what's the problem? Can't we just take this and go: Hey. This is the biggest inkling that Phish might come back--from Phish--that we've seen in 4 years. If they do, if they don't--OK--but this is a sign that the whole lot of 'em might want to do it. Can't we just take a moment to be happy about that--even if it doesn't happen--rather than be grumpy negative derogatory pissants about it? (not you, booche)
  14. All I have to say is: Fuck you, bouche! I have that song in my head and can't get it out! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!!!
  15. Yeah..I don't even care if this is hype (grumpy Andre)...I'm still really happy about this...
  16. And Mike.... http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/index.php/2008/06/26/phish-reunion-mike-gordon-is-optimistic-says-band-met-with-lillywhite/ Phish Reunion? Mike Gordon Is “Optimistic,†Says Band Met With Lillywhite 6/26/08, 1:06 pm EST Last month, Trey Anastasio set off a flurry of Phish mania when he told Rolling Stone, “At this point in time I would give my left nut to play [’You Enjoy Myself’] five times in a row every day.†Last week speculation that one of the world’s biggest jam bands — who split in 2004 — would reunite was stoked by rumors that Steve Lillywhite has been tapped to record a new Phish disc (he produced their 1996 album Billy Breathes). So we checked in with Phish bassist Mike Gordon — whose solo disc, The Green Sparrow, hits stores August 5th and features collaborations with Anastasio and Phish keyboardist Page McConnell — to see what’s true. “The band has had a couple of dinners and they’ve just been great,†Gordon tells Rolling Stone. “We’re all just excited about the idea of doing something sometime. I can’t guarantee it, but I’m optimistic.†As for Lillywhite, Gordon says, “We talked to him, actually. [The rumor] stemmed from reality. We love Steve Lillywhite. He would bring out some great things in us. But we don’t have specific plans to work with him. It was an idea and hopefully it’s something that if we rev things up, it could happen some day. We don’t know if we would tour first or make an album first. We have no idea.†Check back later today for a Q&A with Gordon.
  17. http://phish.com/news/index.php?year=2008#story396 A LETTER FROM PAGE 06.26.08 Given the volume of speculation and rumors that have bubbled up recently, I have been asked to make a statement.Here goes. For me, the last four years have been great. I've spent quality time with my family and have watched my daughter grow. I took great pleasure and pride in writing and recording an album. I'm living a healthy lifestyle. I travel as little as possible and I sleep in my own bed. It took a couple of years after the break up to begin talking to my old band mates, but once the conversations began to flow it wasn't long before the friendships were rekindled. And I can honestly say that I'm closer with all of them now then I've ever been in our 20-year relationship. Recently the conversations have turned toward the possibility of spending some time together. Currently many of us have plans and projects already in the works, most notably Mike, who made a great album and is about to hit the road in support of it. Given that I might not even see some of the guys for the next six months, I would say that the announcement of a reunion is premature. However, later this year we hope to spend some time together and take a look at what possible futures we might enjoy. In fact the only real decision that has been made is that when we do get together, it will only be the four of us, hopefully with no distractions. I am really looking forward to that. I want to say just a few more things. The prospect of Phish reuniting is something I consider very seriously, and I think about it a lot. And lastly, as always, there is plenty of misinformation floating around. Try not to focus too much on secondhand sources and random gossip. If there is anything real to announce, it will come from the four of us as a group. Until then, Page
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