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Everything posted by Jakis

  1. Me and my buddy jay need a ride to rothbury now. Our friend who was supposed to drive has backed out and now we are stranged. Anyone have room for two people? We obviously have gas money. Also, we have no luggage with us because we can send our stuff with friends. thanks, jake
  2. Jakis


    Anyone like these guys? I have been loving them since their set at summercamp. Can't wait to see them at rothbury. Heres a link to an archvie show.. http://www.archive.org/details/lotus2007-11-24.at4040.sbd.flac16
  3. Jakis

    elliot brood?

    http://www.myspace.com/elliottbrood Anyone like elliot brood? I hadn't heard him but went with a friend to see him last friday at the horseshoe. I have to say I was blown away. One of the best club shows I have been too. Ended with a great cover of "airline to heaven" also. Check him out if you haven't.
  4. Howard berger thinks Burke will be named new gm this summer... "Though I respect those who reported on the issue earlier today, I don't believe a word of the story that Fletcher will be the club's GM during the '08-09 campaign. I've been on record for more than a month saying that Burke will be available to the Leafs before this summer is up, and today's "news" further cements that notion. This was nothing more than optics control by the Leafs, who are being scrutinized around the clock by the NHL office as it pertains to Burke. It looks good -- morally and legally -- for Richard Peddie to go public and extole the virtues of all the prominent GMs that will be lining up to take the Toronto job next summer. It deflects the spotlight from Burke, which is exactly what the Leafs should be making every effort to do. Up to now, the league cannot pin anything on the Maple Leafs, or Burke, in breach of tampering regulations. For Peddie to insist Fletcher will be his GM further removes the club from that danger zone."
  5. moe. warts and all vol. 5 in prep for tonights pittsburgh show!! disc 2 intro, spine > mexico > plane crash > spine > yodelittle
  6. Anyone have any recommendations for good volunteer opportunities in Toronto with good organizations? cheers, jake
  7. Listened to that show yesterday Schwa. Great f'n show!! Listening to this now... 7.10.99 Camden, NJ disc 1 wilson > chalk dust> roggae, water in the sky, back at the chicken shack, sparkle > bathtub gin, golgi apparatus disc 2 tweezer>moutains in the mist, birds of a feather > when the circus comes to town, fluffhead, while my guitar gently weeps, tweezer reprise
  8. I forsure want them back, why wouldn't I want to see one of my favorite bands touring and releasing new material???
  9. I guess we will find out in the next month or so. But he hasn't signed an extension yet so its not a sure thing he wants to stay in Anaheim.
  10. Of course he is going to say that. Not saying he will be the next leafs gm. But the league and other teams are watching this closely making sure burke already isn't calling the shots for example the hiring of ron wilson.
  11. Anyone else going??
  12. nice, they must have just upadated it. thanks brad!
  13. It says so on his website. I am stoked!
  14. Theres a hotel in times square called the st. james hotel. Nothing fancy but a great price and right in times square. I am not sure about hotels close to the bronx though. heres the link josh... http://www.hotelstjames.net/
  15. haha its not much better. too bad he's leaving i think he was a great ambassador for toronto.
  16. Jakis


    i just has one of the best nights ever!
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