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Everything posted by Jakis

  1. I don't need drugs for electronic, bluegrass or jazz but that might just be me. I can't wait for the fest!
  2. ya forsure. I just can't believe they are in this position. I haven't followed the sens so have no idea what is wrong. But they need to do something this summer.
  3. Alright, got someone coming with me kev. I'll drink a beer for you though! I am getting excited for the game tomorrow because if the leafs win it means there will be a good chance the sens won't be in the playoffs. I still can't believe the sens might miss the playoffs after starting 15-2.
  4. Going to the game tomorrow night. Can't wait to cheer against the sens! I remember when ad said this...
  5. Played it last night at a friends. So much fun. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showforum.php?fid/15
  6. Hey Palms I think it was you that asked me for the time?
  7. What a great show!!! Had so much fun. Good to see all the people from this board as well. Hope the trip back to ottawa was good.
  8. Im taking the queen street car. Berkley street is near parliament right jaimoe?
  9. Too bad its the same weekend as moe.down.
  10. I won tickets to the game thursday. To bad it doesn't mean anything for the leafs. But if the canadians beat ottawa i will be cheering like crazy for the sens to loose so they don't make the playoffs!
  11. I work till 730 so I hope they didn't change the times. If they did I think a lot of people won't be getting there till 8.
  12. Im in, I have been sick all week feeling better today. Can't freakin wait!!!!
  13. Honestly priceline. You can get a room at a nice hotel (marriot) for 50-60 dollars.
  14. Sorry for your loss greg. All the best. cheers, Jake
  15. I love the videos forum. When I am bored I can spend hours going through all the videos.
  16. Jakis

    Bluesfest 2008

    another year it was dicky betts.
  17. Jakis


    What's sad is that there is a Burger King at my workplace. I work at sickkids hospital.
  18. Of course...the originator of that word is a Leafs fan. hahaha thanks for the laugh rubberdinghy. GO MARLIES GO!
  19. Jakis

    Playoff pool?

    I was wondering why low roller said ollie has not said in yet. Then I remembered montreal fans are dumb.
  20. Thanks, Brad! Also recommend this show from Northampton. http://www.archive.org/details/moe2008-03-08.flac16 Set I: Seat Of My Pants> Sensory Deprivation Bank, Blue Jeans Pizza, Where Does the Time Go?> Wicked Awesome, Spine Of A Dog> Buster Set II: The Pit> Kids, Lost Along the Way> Good Trip> Kyle's Song, Darkness> Meat Encore: Raise A Glass, Nebraska and the strousberg show.... http://www.archive.org/details/moe2008-03-06.flac16 Set I: Stranger Than Fiction, The Road, Deep This Time, All Roads Lead to Home, McBain> Happy Hour Hero Set II: Y.O.Y.> Time Ed, Sticks and Stones> Don't Fear The Reaper, Gone, Z02> Timmy Tucker> Z02 Encore: Raise A Glass, Gimme Shelter
  21. Jakis

    moe. hiatus

    Cully you going to summercamp?? I am this year and can't wait. Saw them in albany and northampton this past weekend and it was amazing. They have been on fire this tour. The boston show I saw in february was the best moe. show I have seen.
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