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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. kc - I'm really hoping Moses Mayes comes around again since we won't be able to make it to this show... AWESOME band! We won a cd awhile back and i think it's STILL in the cd player... we love it so much.

    Crossing my fingers that someone tapes this show...

  2. YIKES!! I hope everyone's ok! I remember when our block was on fire when I lived downtown - there was a couple hours when we thought it might spread to our building. We were really lucky it didn't, but man... the hearache I felt for those who lost everything.

  3. Hey Schwampy - very glad to hear you made it to Germany safe and sound and you're lovin' it out there! Keep us posted on all your adventures and take lots of pictures!!!!!

    I don't know how much longer I can hold this kid in, maybe another week? We'll be sure to email ya when he's born.

    OH... and we bought the home version of Family Feud - we'll have to play a game when you get back :)

    Play safe and have fun!!!!! We miss you already!

  4. For anyone living out of town who would like to take advantage of the sales - I can mail you whatever you want at the discounted price, but shipping is $5.00 extra - (unless, of course, you get something MASSIVE - then it may be a bit more :P)

    Email me if you're interested: pink@nacns.com

  5. Now that I have your attention, I'd just like to let everyone know I am having a HUGE Fantasia Sale at my house today from 2:00-5:00pm

    I have to get rid of my stock for maternity leave, so EVERYTHING has been marked down in price!!!

    Call me for directions to my place - 519-465-2984

  6. I've been hiding inside our air conditioned house since last week when I blacked out from the heat and barfed... and i wasn't even fixing a truck!

    Being pregnant in this heat is horrible - all you ladies out there who had to endure the entire summer pregnant deserve a HUGE pat on the back.

  7. Becky – it’s your freakin’ birthday and we’re going to celebrate like never before! I’m thinkin’ party hats, noise makers… and STREAMERS!! OK… maybe we won’t get THAT crazy! But we’re going to have some good times tonight for sure.

    I’m so lucky to have you as my partner in crime for all these years. The laugh lines around my eyes are due to so many hilarious moments we’ve had. Thank goodness for your incredible memory because for the most part, mine seems to be fried – but you’re the master at making all those foggy moments into clear painted pictures. When I think back on all the things we’ve done together I sometimes wonder how we’re even still alive, seems like a dozen lifetimes have passed… but MAN, am I ever glad to see you turn another year older and even MORE beautiful (which until NOW, I never even thought possible - whoa!). Here’s to so many more awesome times with my favorite princess in the whole wide world.

    You’re the best Becky – I love you SO much!

    Hugs and smacks,



  8. Hey schwampy - gator says we can host your "so long fuckers" party in our backyard next saturday night if ya want. We can BBQ lots of meat and stuff.

    Now you can have Za German Breakfast every morning! YAY SAUERKRAUT!


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