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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. funny you should mention, i was actually going to wear that EXACT outfit tonight! I can't find the little hat though :( But there's tons of toilet paper here, i'll just whip one up.

    It was infact SID who said hi. Actually, his exact words were "tell that smokin' hot-ass friend of yours that i say, 'what's a happenin' hot stuff?"

  2. Hey PP! I'm only home for a couple hours (got called in for a split shift today) but i'm not closing tonight so fingers crossed, I should be home around 9:00. Meet me in the parking lot at Jay's work at 10:00 sharp. If by some chance he gets off early, I will call you and maybe we can leave even earlier! (i just KNOW you don't wanna miss any of that slip ;) )

    Hope you're having a splendid day, my sweet!


  3. I will be selling fantasia products! heehee. What are fantasia products? Well they are sensual products, lingerie and adult toys to help spice up your love life! mmm.. they're awesome!

    If you book a party, I will come to your house with all my fun toys, lingerie, oils and lotions and give you a little presentation of what we supply. If you like what you see, you can purchase it (in a private vending room of course) and take it all home with you!

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