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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. PP - I think that was your record, if I remember correctly. I know I don't have it - perhaps the mighty trevlor still has it?

    The pictures of this show makes it look like they're REALLY enjoying their workout.. maybe a little too much?

    work it - work it


  2. hahahahahaha, i heart your avatar lurker... i think we should all stare at it long enough to memorize the ashlee simpson so that sometime (or many times if making it out for more than one night is in the works!) over the weekend someone can break into it and we can ALL follow suit, à la saturday night fever. heehee!

    I'm already on it PP! I've been practicing in my basement ever since I saw it this morning. I think I got the leg swaying part down - it's kinda like what the new kids use to do, only with more of a bounce and less rhythm. I'm now working on that hoedown move she does after.

  3. Oh man, that IS a hard question. I think I'm going to vote Chocolate and Cheese as the BEST.

    My second choice is the Mollusk... i find it's the album that always cheers me up when i'm feelin' poopie.

    (by the way, it's very nice to see you on the board again Tonberry!)

  4. Meggo – your positive energy is something I have always admired! I wish everyone had your attitude. Heated debates can always be avoided – but it seems a lot of the time they are purposely created on this board. Most of the time, I will avoid the headaches and skim through the nasty, or bite my tongue until it’s a shredded – but every once in awhile it feels good to throw in a comment that’s going to make someone feel like an ass (even if it is morally wrong) I get very defensive when it comes to those I love. I’m just as guilty to throw a verbal punch in hopes to knock down the one who just hurt my friend. Maybe I’m a bitch… or maybe I’m just human? I guess the bottom line is, you don’t have to like it, you just have to accept it – or as I like to say, agree to disagree.

    Now, who likes PIE??

  5. Wait! Back to the electrical work stuff... (which by the way IS an important job ...I mean, without electricity there'd be no computer to sit at and type whiney self-indulgent messages on all night long, right?)

    Esau! I might need your help with some re-wiring in my new home! Probably won't be until December - but do you think you might be into that??

  6. I think one of the most startling (and selectively ignored) facts presented in "Super-Size Me" was the evidence that healthy, organic school lunch programs cost the SAME AMOUNT as the 99% processed, low-nutritional-value lunch programs.

    FOR SURE!! I think i watched that entire movie with my jaw to the floor... it grossed me right out... i'm so glad i saw it.

  7. Hey megs! I was thinking of taking my holidays out East this year. Don't know when... and considering I just bought a house, it may all be a pipe dream BUT...Maybe we'll do a little fantasia tour and do parties along the way! I'd have my gas paid for atleast! I definitely have to make it out to see you while you're there... and i'd love to visit the mudcocks in newfieland.

    i'll put that on the back burner to simmer for awhile...

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