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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. 2 boxes? Of the DELUXE kind? Holy crap, that's a lot of KD! I think those boxes have double the amount the original kd has.

    I'm starting to feel better about my addiction... thanks everyone. I'm gonna go smoke a bowl now.

  2. ha ha!


    "Yeah, my guy was cowering in fear when I took that screen shot. But give me a break, that gorilla threw a really squishy banana at me."

    "After reading the game manual, I discovered that this game is the story of "DUKE DAVIS, former punk rocker and the world's coolest martial arts vigilante!" He stalks the streets attacking little circus men and puppies, making the world a safer place for non circus freaks"

  3. In highschool this guy once said to me "Excuse me, but do you have an extra quarter? I'm suppose to call my mom the first time I fall in love"

    oh, and this gay guy once said to me, "Did that hurt?" and I said, "what?" And he said, "Falling straight down from heaven, darlin'!" - i don't think he was trying to pick me up, but i thought i'd post that incase you're all looking for some new lines.

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