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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. Wasn't Diesel Dog's last NYE show in Port Dover, with a rather large pre- and post-show at someone's place (possibly a rental that no one is allowed back to...but that's just the rumour I heard ;))?

    YEP! It was awesome! Best NYE in a long time!

    As for Halloween... Diesel Dog and fatties for me. Can't wait to see instagator all dressed up. I hear he's gonna look really pretty ::

  2. LMP I was just talking about you with Bouche this morning. Wondering where you've been, how you're doing and talking about how talented you are.

    Congrats on a brave decision and best of luck!

    thanks Ms. Hux! My boss banned me from jambands a couple months back, (and NO, that's not the REAL reason why i'm quitting... ha ha!) so i have been pretty far out of touch.

    It's good to be back on board though... that's for sure!!

  3. no nero/contact for me tonight guys... although, i would love to go! It's going to be a GREAT night of music! Thanks for the kind words. *kisses*

    and bokonon... thanks so much! Looks like that conversation we were having last friday is finally becoming a reality. We should hook up for a sandwich one of these days!

  4. Well folks... it's been a long LONG 6 years here at the computer company. It started out as part time work, filing and organizing the office. Then one day my boss says, "If you can figure out how to make a website, and prove to me that you know what you're doing - i'll put you on full time as a designer" ...so, I read some books and taught myself the ways of HTML. *POOF!* I was suddenly a web designer - doing sites for BORING corporate companies that gave me absolutely NO creative leeway. Then my boss decided that there just wasn't enough design work to do, so i've been stuck working on computers - building them, loading them, fixing them (and sometimes PUNCHING them) I hate it... absolutely HATE it. Too cut n' dry for the likes of my mind. 6 years have passed and I'm still doing a job that I never really chose to do, always responding to the question, "Do you like your job?" with "It's good for now" So.. i'm taking the plunge - starting next week, I will no longer be working here at NACNS. It's kinda scary, but i'm excited!

    I would still like to do some site design on the side - so if you hear of anyone in need of a website, let them know I give reasonable deals and will work my ass off for them!

    (sigh) - No more of these "for now" jobs! Man, i feel good. SOOOOOOOO good!

  5. i work with someone who puts on far too much baby powder in the morning. right now i feel sick to my stomach.

    oh man, that lady is going to be in far worse shape then you if she's covering herself in baby powder. That sh!t is bad for you. It's made up of tiny, spear-like crystals that painlessly pierce the lungs of talc miners and can cause forms of lung cancer. Imagine a baby inhaling that? It's really bad.

  6. Hey missy - hope you haven't worn out that "It's my birthday - buy me a drink" t-shirt (i would imagine after all the times you've worn it this year, it's probably pretty beer soaked)

    My all time favorite designated driver BETTER have the night off tonight, because lady, you deserve to get your freak on and go bulk chuck wild... woohoo!!!

    And hey, while you're in calgary, try and round some of that greasy alberta beef ---->


    Missed you at the girlie party :( - but don't worry, i'll guilt trip you when you get home :)

    happy birthday, sweet cheeks!

    Love Mir

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