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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. hey wait a minute - what ever happened to that positive Number2 we all knew?

    You have always been able to find the positive out of every negative situation - but since there's so much negative smoke blowing around in these parts, let me remind you of some things.

    For example... there are always going to be people you don't get along with, but what about all the amazing people you've met on this board... like ME! :)

    And how about all the shows you've been to because of the info you've read on this board!

    Honestly Marc, take a little breather and come back when you're feeling happy again. I do it all the time! Everyone needs a little time away...

    mmmmmmmuoi! Kisses and hugs to you, my friend. And I hope to see you at the show Saturday night.

  2. My biggest pet peeve at the restaurant right now is when i ask people if they want something to drink and they say, "No, i'll just have a coffee"

    oh yeah? and what are you gonna DO with that coffee??? Huh??? ::

  3. I was recently listening to CBC, and someone phoned in to complain about people who walk up escalators, because "escalators are for standing; if you wanna walk, take the stairs". Then, of course, a whole bunch of people called in to complain about people who only stand on escalators, but refuse to move to the right-hand side.

    Now, I'm a pretty lazy guy and perfectly capable of remaining motionless for extended periods of time, but I still agree with the second group, and find people who stand and block escalators to be infringing on other people, and basically a real "pet peeve".

    Anyone agree? Anyone get annoyed by people who walk up escalators, instead?

    I’m too impatient to stand still on escalators. I always thought they were to benefit people who were in a hurry, not the ones who were just lazy. Kinda like those moving runway thingies at the airport… aren’t they for people who are late? You can walk on them and get to your destination WAY faster. Or are you suppose stand on those too???

  4. you mean THIS magnet?


    I have to work on those magnets, apparently the GLUE was coming off (quite honestly though, i think schwa peeled them apart to sniff them) Anyways, my point is - I will have to find some super heavy duty glue so they don't come apart.

    OH, and if anyone got one of those magnets and it's falling apart, i am very sorry... give me $10 and i'll fix it for you.

    HA HA.. kidding, i'll fix it for free.

  5. ya know, I need to check out more Ween... Guigsy made me a compilation with happy coloured marbles?? not sure if that's the title, but I am curious to hear more....

    ah yes, good song! And that is infact the title of it. It's off the album Quebec.

    More ween is ALWAYS a good idea. You should pick up one of their studio albums... White Pepper, Chocolate and Cheese or The Mollusk!!

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