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Posts posted by Thorgnor

  1. I think I'm with ya.

    I had my tongue in my cheek. My point is that they should have never been Parks because they were stolen land to begin with and for most FN Peoples (it seems to me) the land was traditional territory that suddenly needed to be protected from their presence. So not putting the money into the Parks and then complaining that they're badly managed is kind of maybe a good thing... it leaves the land open for new uses... the worry is that they'll become just another place to dig up resources instead of leaving places to come up with new ways (or reviving older ones) to live less intensively/excessively.

    Find me something that isn't a semantic issue... ;)

  2. I don't want to get arrested for slander, but has anyone ever considered the unsavory connections between politicians and construction in Ontario? DiCicco-Best the mayor and DiCicco the construction mogul... Lastman and Bad Boy was so obvious... Fontana and Sicily... errr... I guess that's unproven.

    maybe it's not as bad as it seems and you're right Schwa. I'm less concerned with political shenanigans than I am with the surveillance of society at large which seems to go hand in hand, but one begets the other so I guess we just need to make sure the surveillance goes in the 'right' directions, without any reasonable expectation of political intervention.

  3. Ford... McGuinty... Fontana here in London used $30000 of public city funds for his son's wedding, doesn't think there's anything wrong with this, voted in his own favor to not put himself out of the mayor's seat or off of council and would not recuse himself, and still vows to stay in office during the legal battle even though he's been set aside. He's gone despot and no one even seems to notice... I'm stunned and terrified for our political future with this kind of blatant disregard for legality and such self-serving absurdity. When did politicians become sovereign and above the Law? wait... nevermind

  4. I don't sympathize with homophobia, and I think this guy deserves the heat he's getting, but calling someone "Moricone" in Spanish slang is about as common as as calling someone an asshole in English, it just takes on a different connotation in translation. Like I said, it's not ok, but he's not some guy in a bubble. The real problem is that its pervasive and that's why I'm happy to see Antho stepping up and committing long term to some organizations. It sucks that it took this for them to really make the move, but its for the best, and IMO, getting rid of him now gives him an opportunity to sidestep the responsibility to do the real work.

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