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Posts posted by Thorgnor

  1. I'm not saying they were all bad at all, but I am saying that a certain group, who often leveled in practice, fear the threat of levelers. level.

    No disdain on my part, I would say I'm one, but it does seem to be one of the most contentious points of my own beliefs when I talk to people who are afraid of taxes. They don't want to be involved in paying taxes, but are often most charitable in practice. again, I find this slippage back and forth confusing.

    Which Canadians hold these things dear? all of'em? It'd be sweet, but that's the whole argument against socialist thought, it levels, as if we all think, feel, and deserve the same things, which isn't true in all cases as far as Canadian law and society is concerned (remember those who break the social contract step outside of its protections).

    No solutions here. I like agonism. More conversation, more debate, more talk, whatever, but fewer 'solutions,' fewer 'resolutions,' and fewer 'dis-solved' people. It might be the way to go if we want the state to be worth keeping around at all. To be dissolved is to be made indistinguishable, or invisible. To be resolved is to stop considering. To solve is to permanently 'fix,' like rigor mortis. It's a bad set of words.

    I do think that more talk would mean more education, not just movement of information as if it was transferable with capital but actual dialogue, story-telling, and learning from listening, not just moving to the beats cause thinking about the words is too hard (and I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it's so very limited still).

  2. A heritage begun by Levelers?

    I'd quote Metallica on this one.

    "You level me, I'll level you."

    It's exactly this that confuses the shit out of me when the political argument arises in Canada. Which side will chose to be Levelers, which side chooses to hold fort, and which way is the public sympathy swinging at the time. The old Cons were all for co-ops, it was smart business to make unions and rackets. The Libs of the time thought that would infringe on business freedoms. Now we have the Cons attempting to free business from the shackles of social responsibility, as any good Libertarian would believe to be the truth anyways, while the New Democrats, all about the freedom to speak, seem blind to the fact that they have become Levelers, and that is what most terrifies the rich business minded Conservatives to mobilize against them. The sides have switched on the parties, and the people have forgotten what they mean when they speak. Now politicians speak past us, and we hope not to be snared in the process of being freed from our property or of being leveled.


    sorry for the ramble.

  3. By 'business' I meant economics, which the Greens surely have a more radical, and arguably less divisive plan for, but which is second in their plans to something else. The NDP can never leave behind the idea that whether they were for the boss or for the laborer, they were always mostly about the economy (which for some may seem a ridiculous assertion, but consider their efforts to institute compensation for 'affective' labor; household work, care, etc.). The Greens may have more palatable platform statements about business reformation, but their focus is, and this is truly radical in Canadian politics, not entirely anthro-centric, or worse, economic in it's treatment of politics.

    Most of the time, most people would agree if they spent the time to figure out what the other person meant by the words they chose.

  4. The Libs need a leader, the Greens have one.

    The Greens need an organization, the Libs have one.

    could work.

    I can't see the union happy NDP ever making the kinds of concessions the Greens would require. The NDP still in many oblique ways represents the interests of 'business,' just not the top heavy way the Libs and Cons have in the past. m2c

  5. The air in my sails went up like hydrogen.

    I agree mostly. Those like me who have wanted to support the NDP in the past will either have an excellent opportunity to show support in the next election, one day in the far reaches of the future, or we'll be shown why we didn't have the trust in them in the first place. Hard-core, do or die, no reason but Reason, Liberals, will try to re-group, but in my opinion, there is no place for "Liberalism" in politics any more... it's washed up. Democracy means voice, Liberal means I get to decide what I mean by liberal and who gets free.

    Green may fuck shit up if there is any opportunity for voice now. They could easily sneak through the back next time and grab a ton of seats by coalescing the mid-right and centre with the radical left, and eco-centric. Which could be a juggernaut for ever. Or not. who knows.

    All I'm left with, pun intended, is dread for what may come and that's sure to cloud my vision.

  6. Even if Mendenhall is wrong -- really, really wrong -- it doesn't make him a bad guy. In fact, at the core of what he said, there's a seed of love and compassion. He spoke against hate and judgment.

    He believes some unpopular things. That's it. I know that I cheer everyday for athletes with whom I would not agree on political or ethical issues, and you probably do the same. In fact, if you're a sports fan at all, it's overwhelmingly likely that you have cheered for guys who have broken actual laws and hurt actual people.

    I think this should apply to more than just athletes... politicians too?

  7. Neither, just chance. No blame.

    My daffodils were early, and now they've already lost their flowers, but the tulips are giving the whole garden hell! :)

    This thread isn't gay, it's metro-sexual.

  8. I'm still confused. Your fear seems to be that Harper campaigned from the right, and won't likely govern from the left, but that the Libs were able to switch. While your hope seems to be that the NDP will be able to force the Conservatives to be more left-leaning in practice... again, ya'lost me.

    In a perfect world...

  9. So your problem with Harper is that he's going to stick to his guns, and your favorite thing about the NDP is that they have guns to stick to, but you don't like that the Liberals are willing to switch weapons? Ya'lost me.

  10. To Newrider; With a majority parliament, which is the big change, the Conservative party can vote it's own policies into law without the support of any opposition members. This means that the anti-crime legislation, and the corporate tax cuts that the public generally does not support will be rammed directly up our assholes. Expect to be put in jail for one full year if you are caught with a joint, criminal.

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