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Evolve video: just watching Lauzon and the Slip- sick ska funk groove.


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I swear I don't even know if I was actually at that concert. Abe and I are just editing the Evolve video (Abe's editing I'm poaching) and it's fucking smoking. Lot's of good Slip but we just watched the segment with Dave and it's sick. Dave's all nervous and there's lots of close-ups, hot steam coming from his nose. Really nice laid back sort of funkskaesque groove. Should have it edited and get some of the footage on NH up soon.

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I enjoyed that a lot.. i can't wait to see and hear it without a potpourri of substances coarsing through my veins, and icicles on my nipples and ass.

It was a very different kind of groove. I think ska might me a little misleading, cause it wasn't fast. and it wasn't really funky.. but it was a groove for sure. Interest is piqued/peaked..

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yeah it's hard to describe. Every moment of the interaction is totally on the film, you can see the nerves dripping out of Dave, it does have a bit of a reggae bit to it for sure, and Dave plays largely these tonal riffs or beds of sound that really do have great tone as Brad Barr had said.

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