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Fellowship of the Rings....


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Went last night....I was in the perfect state of mind(tee-hee) and had been looking forward to it for almost 2 years.....4 words: EVERYTHING I HOPED FOR. Sure, there were some deviations from the book, but I was expecting it given the scope of what they were trying to create. A 3 hour ride on the edge of my seat. The mines of moria were chilling, and the balrog- perfect. People applauded at the end of the movie and when Aragorn saved Boromir from the Uruk-Hai captain. Looking forward to seeing it at least 1 or 2 more times over the holidays. Anyone else have any comments? Just thought I would share my thoughts, I have not been riveted in a movie theatre like that since Saving Private Ryan. I have been a big LOTR fan for a long time, though. Interested to hear from other people who might not have been familiar with the story. Anyway, heading home for Xmas tomorrow, cheers and happy holidays to all....

P.S. Thanks to BB for lining us up a trip to Ottawa, really looking forward to meeting some people (do you really look like your avatars?) on January 12 @ the Bayou.

P.P.S. Hey Nero boys, see you at Baba's on the 28th!! We play there the next night, that place is tiny but ALWAYS a blast. I'll be sure to go up and give you a holiday boot in the arse(snicker).

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I've been awaiting this movie nearly my whole life!!! When I was young, I had trouble reading and took a reading course at a library close to my home in London at the time. I chose "The Hobbit" as the book I would use to help me to learn how to read better. This perticular version of "The Hobbit" was very large with amazing colour illustrations on EVERY page. I instantly fell in love with the mystic world Tolkien had created and bought "The Lord Of The Rings" trilogy. Over the years i've read the books countless times as well as many of Tolkien's other works, i've even looked into the elven language created by Tolkien. My day tomorrow consists of an afternoon of "Fellowship of The Rings" with canned beats and then the Nero x-mas party.......I can't wait..... smile.gif" border="0smile.gif" border="0smile.gif" border="0

Giggles grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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It was the shortest 3 hrs of my life.....

Having been a massive fan of the books (read twice) and guru on all things media, the opening of LOTR was something that I had anticipated and dreaded ever since I realized that this was good a story for Hollywood not to touch. I obviously had some concerns. Could they match the images and characters that my imagination had built? Would they muck with the plot? As a teacher, I wondered if any of my students would ever read it again?

I'm here today to tell you that I had nothing to worry about. If you've not read the book before going in, no problem. If you have, even better. It wasn't perfect (nothing truly is) but it was magnificant. Right from the get-go, you are thrust into the heart of all things that make Tolkien so good. Rich characters, extensive backplot, and grandose settings. Yes, slight alterations in the plot made me go hmmm, but weren't negative in anyway (not by hollywood's usual book butchering standards) I still can't believe they've shot this whole thing as three hours flew by, my mouth growing dry as it remained locked wide open throughout.

My two biggest comlpiments for this movie are 1) that in places, the film exceded anything my imagination had built, I was wowed 2)I think this movie is good enough that those that have not read the books will run out and read the next two if not them all. The movie asks you to give a heavier emotional investment than I thought and will draw anyone into this awesome story. It quite simply went above and beyond my expectations and everyone should experience this, well, experience (which is what is) in the theater with a friend real soon. Reporting for PhishSanctuary, I'm.....


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hey, i might be lucky on this one, i never read those books, tried 3 times over the years, but couldnt' get past the beginning... read the hobbit 3 times instead... so i can't be disappointed in book comparisons -- ok i'm in for the matinée too, sounds like fun.

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