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Just thought i'd........


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Take the time to wish y'all the safest and best holiday possible. I hope everyone enjoys their New Years celebrations and parties like a rock-star......i'ma gonna try my damndest wink.gif" border="0

Giggles grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

*** A big thank-you to Nero and homestyle last night at the x-mas party. It was a very memorable evening...I'll have a review written up some time in the future. The evening was filled with surprises ( A Kiwi, drunken-Scottish? Santa and messed up helper Seymor) and excellent music.

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I probably putzed out............

But I 'tHiNK' I remember you telling me about them now.

that band is fuggin' great none the less. FANTASTIC billing on that show!

Hey Jay, make sure the next time you make a reference to Shane's sexuality, you dont leave any of us guessing.......and watch out for him when you guys do those 4 holiday shows, he can be dangerous!

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