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No, not that Phish song, the bagpiper who showed up at Cafe Dekcuf for Open Jam last night. Last week we had a steel drum player, this week we had a bagpiper.

Dr. H and I were standing, talking, drinking, when we looked over and saw him. Immediately, our quest was clear: we had to jam with the piper. Others joined in; this was a rare opportunity.

We all stepped up, and we were off. There were a couple of problems: I asked the piper what key(s) he liked, and he said it was tuned to Bb concert, and I think we (the rest of the band) may not have been very close to it. Second, it wasn't a full, big, set of pipes (that everyone knows); it was just a small set, and I don't think it came through the mix (as it was playing alongside electric bass, two electric guitars, and drums). He said he'd be back, with the full set.

Folks, the Open Jam at Cafe Dekcuf is probably the best free show in Ottawa. The last two weeks, I think we've taken it up to a new level. The jams have more (and better) transitions, the balance is better, and the musicians (incl. yours truly, I hope) are getting better. Each jam is different, and even the stuff that usually happens (e.g., Aljee's take on Cypress Hill and House Of Pain) is different week-to-week. It's a grab bag: you never know what you'll get (steel drums? bagpipes? dj?), but when it all hooks up, it's amazing.

IMHO, this is one of the best things to happen to music in Ottawa recently. You owe it to yourselves to show up.



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Guest Low Roller

Well previously I had soccer as an excuse on Tuesday nights. Now I have no excuse, and I think it was pure laziness that kept from coming out yesterday.

A steel drum? A bagpipe? A guitar? These are all really bizarre instruments...

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Originally posted by vermontdave:

Hey Brad! I wanna play too.

I'll be up in Ottawa next week-end.

I'll bring my juice-harp and this contraption I invented last month, which involves pieces of spaghetti (both cooked and un-cooked), and various pots and pans from the kitchen.

Peace with a little amplification

You're welcome to show up and play (and the bass player for Spagstar [the host band] is known as "Spag", so that may mesh well with the pasta you'll be playing...), but if you're just here for the weekend, it won't work: the jams are on Tuesday nights.

I assume you're coming for the BNB show on Friday night? The Music Never Stopped (local GD cover band, and pretty good, too) is doing a show on Saturday night (at Irene's on Bank St. [near 5th] in the Glebe).



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