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I figured out George Bush's problem...


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I think George W's problem is that the earth's atmosphere is so different from his home planet Moron X in the idiot nebula, that he's having a hard time metabolizing the air that he breathes. Perhaps after the World War he's so anxious to start, it will make things easier for him and his fellow aliens.

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He's from Texas

Don't tread on him.....


Texas is the state with the largest number of executions in the United States of America. Since 1976, when the death penalty has been reinstituted, 104 executions have been proceeded. 19 of them took place in 1995.

The method of execution is Lethal Injection.

Now its time to expand......


A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution with or without grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.

Extreme, irrational distrust of others.

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