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Anti-American Sentiment -- The Poll

Phunky Cauldron

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Hey folks, I was watching CanadaAM this morning and they had some guy on the news saying that he had recently been in Paris, London, Madrid and other major cities. He claimed that while there was a strong Anti-War feeling, there wasn't a strong Anti-American feeling. I was just wondering what the sentiment on this board was considering our close proximity to our giant neighbour. I can pretty much figure out what most of you lefty-hippies will be answering, so I think the more important question should be what do you guys notice in your daily lives. At work? At school? On the streets. Basically, what do you think most Canadians feel? I'm sure most of us are against war, but do we also feel that America is to blame, or just their wacko leader?


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Jack Straw Poll

We can share the carnage, we can share the blame

We can take what we want of theirs, cause we do it in Gods name,

Keep on rollin, we’ve got Tony Blair,

Keep on rollin, so says Cheney, who says what is fair?

Bush just jumped the watchman, to get Sodamn Insane,

Took his crude for kicks and cash, aint that heavens shame?

Hurts my eyes to listen, Allah, burns my ears to see,

Hunt Hussein in cold blood, Allah, MIGHT AS WELL BE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We used to vote for people

Now we vote for lies,

Half for cash and half for blood

That election was a lie!

Now they die forsaken and the dead will fall.

There aint no winner with Hussein, we just go home with oil, home with oil!

Bombing Bagdad, Fourth Day of July.

The sun so hot, toxic cloud so low,

Destruction filled the sky.

Catch Osama, now theres a clever trick

Cant catch Osama, can you George and Dick?

Gotta hunt Osama

First bomb I can drop

Gotta settle one old score,

Once more for my pop.

There ain’t no place Saddam can hide, Cheney,

To keep him from my gun

bin Laden can get some rest now,

But we’ll “keep him on the run”

Jack Straw broke UK law

To follow Dubya down

Made Hussein a shallow grave and sucked his oil down

Half a mile from Baghdad by the moaning light,

One man down and another to go, my old freedoms disappearing oh so slow.

We cant hun’t Osama, so we hunt Hussein…

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I don't blame the american people. They're all being led around by:




I also don't blame Iraqi people for being controlled by a tyrant.

The bush administration seems intent on getting a regime change in Iraq. Leaving S.H. with two options

-stepping down to live in exile

-to be overthrown within

Neither of these scenario's are likely to occur.

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[big Grin]

Personally i blame the American pawns that are following dubya's word just as much as dubya himself.

We were all born with a head on our shoulders, just some choose to use it for thought, others as a decoration.

If Canada was doing something this ludicrous, and i was fully for it, just because someone was telling me to be, i'd be just as big of a pawn as half the Americans.

'Cept i wouldn't do it. Yankee's are blasted with this patriotism from the time they are concived...its time they truely stand up to the monster...BUSH.

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Hey, I still love Americans - I love the country, I have a number of great friends who are American, and as Dr. Hux is fond of pointing out, more of them than not of them didn't vote for this idiot.

This is a revenge war for Bush Jr., and a war to distract from the fact they can't find any more of the real 9/11 terrorists so they need a scapegoat. The fact that his final ultimatum had to do with Saddam and his boys getting out of the country rather than anything to do with weapons (hey, wasn't that the original point?) says it all.

- M.

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but you see that is why it is so hard for them to and I think that you can not blame the people for what the leaders do even if they are manipulated into following.

Propaganda- worse thing about the states is that their public school system castrates them as thinkers from an early age and it takes a lot of gusto to go against the grain down there.

Are we aware of all the shit our own country shoves down our throuts and says is good for us?

Not everything we do is so so great...and as far as citizens being lead by the noses it happens up here as well.

No blame the politicians for the mess and realize that there is not much democratic about democracy anymore.

Power- its all about the underground!

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