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08/05/77 GD on Nugs.net

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

For those that don't know, 08/05/77 GD is available for download on Nugs.net.

This is the show that many of you recommended when I asked about GD.

05/05/77, 07/05/77, and 09/05/77 are also available for download.

It's the 25th annivesary of these shows btw. To celebrate I am going to get smashed and listen to the corresponding shows all of next week.

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Guest Low Roller

I JUST got that now.

(Beerorabuzz??? What's so funny about that?)

Well at least I'm getting the Phish inside jokes finally. Only took me 40 minutes...

"I moved here from Canada, and they say I'm slow, eh."

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I dont know if I was trying to be funny, but just the same, you can laugh at me if you want to. It isnt very hard. wink.gif" border="0

I think I might go for the 9th tonight. But what the hell, everyone of these shows is an absolute must. For those that dont know, 05-08-77 is considered to be one of "those" shows. Most sought after and traded, blah blah blah.......

I dare you to listen to the Fire On The Mountain and the Morning Dew, Jerry brings out some incredible 'fanning' techniques.

Save that one for the end, or for the beginning, or the middle of this journey. The Wackamole is going to be shocked.gif" border="0smile.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0 when he gets back and sees what I have put on this hard drive of his. Jebus!

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You know what I saw in the Sun today? AH SHIT, I dont know either! (I already recycled that bitch)

Anyways some Irish pub in Ottawa is having a Dead night on May 6th. Grab today's Sun and look in that entertainment portion with all the bars and stuff advertised. Look for the Dancing Bears on the lower left hand side of the left hand side.

"You know the one thing we need is a left-hand monkey wrench"

Hey DrH, you ole Bobby freak you, what song is that line from?

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The 04-01-91 that I promised I'ld get to you, that is all bud.........

It took me a little time, but old Boochie found it and now has a beautiful board on Cd. You are going to be oh so happy. Unfortunately, I have bit off WAY MORE than I can chew at the moment and I must clear up some trades and a WIN WIN WIN before I can burn it.

But I found it wink.gif" border="0

As long as the address you sent me a month and a half ago is good, then we are good.......

By the way, GOOD JOB!

That was as well a placed call as Harpua's Buddy-Up the other night. Speaking of which, Weezy, oh my. Days Of You is still tighter than a, hmmf, a really tight thing!

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Guest Low Roller

The Bayou is advertising "The Music Never Stopped" for Saturday May 11th. Is that the show you're thinking of Booche?

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May 6th, some pub, get the Sun

My guess, they didnt list a band, just Dancing Bears were printed, thus, tapes or cd's are being spun.

Just a guess BUT, it was definitely an Irish or English pub.

Well, it was a pub.

By the way LR, have you listened to any of that nugs.net stuff yet?


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Guest Low Roller

Yeah Booche, I listened to some of it at work.

What can I say? It's great.

I'll download them tonight, and then keep them for their respective days.

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I believe the bar is called Natey McGroovy's or something...we are gonna play there soon..!

4.1.91 smokes too! KILLER Picasso Moon!!!

"Picasso moon, shattered light

Diamond bullets ripping up the night

Picasso moon, liberate me

Ah, life's infinite diversity

Great, amazing, majesty

And it's bigger than a drive-in movie, oo-wee"


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