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Roll Call: Phil, Molson Amp., 2002.07.09


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I know there are loads of people going to this thing, so has anything been set up as far as pre-show festivities go? Maybe lunch downtown somewhere, then mosey through the lot, catch the soundcheck, bask for a while, then groove until GodKnowsWhat a.m.?

I'm in Toronto, so I could be there at freakin' dawn if I wanted to (and if I could wake up...). When I've done Amp. shows before, I usually just get there at showtime, so don't really know what there is to do down at/near the Amp., so friendly and helpful and group-enjoyment-enducing suggestions would be appreciated.



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I think I called it a Nero Sandwich:

- Nero

- Soulive / moe. / Phil

- Nero


- Nero*



* Valencia, Burlington, VT, Friday, July 12. Yes, it means missing DownDays at Babylon, but there's a symmetry thing at work here.

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Thee best place to park your car in the lot at Molson Ampitheatre is in the lot furthest from the actual venue.. When you turn off of the road and into where the lot starts, you come to a point where you can go straight ahead (to the lot furthest away) or turn right to access the parking closest to the amp. Go straight and head right to the back! Theres a thin layer of trees and on the other side you can hang out right on the edge of Lake Ontario and do some pre-show warmups. Its pretty secluded and the security leaves us alone for the most part. ANyone know the spot I'm talkin' about?

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gotta admit...i'm getting served a 1/2 a Nero sandwich on a silver platter...thanks to Ms. Hux, the Brothers Bo{u}oche...

i'm a happy man who's bound to be much happier come Tuesday night/Wednesday morning

BTW, Ms Hux, in all her generosity, flipped me two tix to 'phil and his buds', one of which I don't really need... seeing as one good turn deserves another, i'd like to make sure the second one does not go to waste, so let's keep the good karma going and find out who would like a ticket?!?!

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Hey Charlie, if come tomoorow you still have it my phriend Chris who just got back from the protests in Kananaskis has never seen Phil and as of right now is not sure if he can but wants to go... he has not seen the Dead since 92 im sure it would put a big smile on a kind brothers face...

stay kind all!

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