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How Many People Here 'Convert' Their Friends?


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I do it ALL the time. It's just the way I am. I don't if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but I'm always up for getting good music into the ears of people who are close to me.

It gets funny sometimes, but this is the life we lead, the minority of a minority of a minority in the music scene-


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I am a recent fan of this scene, and I am bringing my friends into the scene as well.

It takes time, but it is happening. People who have never really heard songs that aren't 3 and a half minutes that go: verse - verse - chorus - verse - bridge - chorus - chorus, sometimes have a hard time understanding a 20 minute jam fest with no vocals. Once they get into it though, they is no turning back. I know I am hooked.


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I'll sit a friend in a comfortable chair and play them some Dead.

I'll calmly ask them if they enjoyed their time in the chair. Upon hearing something negative, I punch them between the eyes. After a while, you'll find it grows on them.

So far, this method has converted 8 of my friends.

I call it the Jammish Inquisition.

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I have friends that are open to anything that i listen to and are not so much converted as impressed. I did manage to get my girlfriend hooked on Hookah though. She is a big Country fan, so naturally i started her off with a little SCI and she loved it and came looking for more 8)

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