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Jambase Rhapsody Free for 1 Week


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I just installed it. I was always very curious towards this thing and I'm listening to some Bela Fleck right now.

I'm sure it'd be worth it if we didn't have to convert it all to CDN.

They'll be allowing you to burn tracks to cd's for $0.99/track as well. Not bad when the tracks could be 20 minutes long.

I'll probably have more to say after trying it out for a couple of more days.

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yeah, you can totally record whatever is going through your systems sound card. I think Soundblaster calls it "what u hear". But, if you have any sound events play, like your ICQ "Uh Oh!", it'll get recorded too.

BTW, this is just the radio. It's only 4.95/month. That's pretty good. The $9.95 thing has way more features.

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