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MMW Toronto and Montreal!

Groove Fetish

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Originally posted by CyberHippie:

I actually really enjoyed that 10-30-99 show at the Guvernment! It helped being up top on the balcony and having a nice view though. The next show which was at the Warehouse I really didn't enjoy. I thought that was a pretty lame show. Of course I hate every show at the Warehouse, so what can ya do...

Yeah, that's right Trev - we were at that show together, up on the balcony where you could see everything and the sound was a bit better. I have a great sounding copy of that show, too!

This was also the night that Iggy Pop stepped on my foot.

To reiterate, I've mentally confused the two performances (of course, I'm generally mentally confused). The Warehouse show might have been good, but the sound sucked so badly that I couldn't tell. I couldn't even hear the guitarist they had with them (Orrin Bloedow?) until the last song or two. And, as I recall, the security was a bitch (right Steve?).


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when sco played NPS last year it was part of the T.O. jazz fest and it was FREE, so maybe . . .

the show at the harbourfront centre last year blew my mind. unfortunately i had taken 2 hits of acid earlier that day and smoked a quarter throughout the rest, so I dont remember as much as I would like, but this year I'm definately going to keep it kinda low as to have more of a natural experience.

this show is the day after my last day of exams!!! great way to kick off whats going to be a fuckin great summer. I may need to get a ride down to one or both shows so If anyones going to be in the PTBO area, let me know if you can help me out.

MMW fuckin rules!!!

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I saw one of the Warehouse shows and sat back for a couple of songs thinking how crappy it way. Then I danced and smiled my way up front (about three people back from the stage) and had the absolute time of my life. It was awesome. The acoustics in the Warehouse suck so get close enough to be hearing it off the amps and monitors and you'll enjoy it a lot more.

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