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So "Phans"....


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I don't think they'll do Gamehenge.

"We don't want to become caricatures of

ourselves, or worse yet, a nostalgia act"

I respect you not thinking they will play it,but I don't think Trey's comment is refering to the setlists.In that way of thinking,playing anything from that era would be nostalgic.


How would pulling out what seems to be one of the most wished for sets (at least from what I read online latley) being a nostagia act?

I just wondered since Conventry will no doubt (if this break-up stays) be the last show(s),I'd imagine folks will hear alot of music over the weekend they have not heard for many years,at least I would expect something huge,fu©k,monsterous really (besides it being their last show),playing Gamehenge would be about as huge as they could get in my opinion.

As ya'll say "Phish does it for their fans",well I see alot of fans talking Gamehenge this year,even before the tour was announced.

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Greg, the main thesis surrounding Gamehenge is, when a great power is overturned, and a new one takes its place, no matter how hard they try to stay 'real', the greed will take over, and it will be back to the way it originally was.

In a good parallel, Phish is doing the same thing. The Dead were a monster, it ended, phish took its place, then the same thing happened. i understand its not exact, but what happened with Phish, and what is the underlying meaning to Gamehenge, is the same thing. Hence Trey being Wilson.

For this, i highly doubt Gamehenge will be played.

Or maybe i'm too much of a phish geek!


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Well thanks for the lesson in the song,although I do the story (remember I dig the music and have since 1990 or so)...and I wasn't taking a poke at people with my question,nor was I being saracstic in asking,I have read all over people saying it could happen this year and figured given the "thesis surrounding Gamhenge" (as ya put it) that it would be appropiate.And the fact it is probally the favourite of most Phishheads,at least alot I know.

I asked because of all the talk about it,I would have asked this question eventually anyway since its somthing I had been wondering about and since I would have liked to see one myself.

Although,I obviously don't take it (Gamehenge) as literally or seriously as you or others do,I look at it as a piece of literature and art.Not as a way of life with any deep rooted meaning pertaining to Phish's career.

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I see Trey's quote re: nostalgia pertaining to this in that Trey has said in the past when asked about when they'll do Gamehenge again that it isn't really something they're interested in anymore, its so far in the past, these are songs they were playing around 15-20 years ago. A bigger reason I don't think they'd do it is cuz a lot of people will expect them to do it. We all know they only deliver big hits like that when least expected. Maybe they'll do it on this last tour but more likely at a show like, say, SPAC or the Tweeter Centre.

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i've never seen Phish and likely never will.

I know what i've heard and to be honest, for a phan, setlists should really not be as important as whether or not paige flakes off again.

It'll never been like it was before so all you can do is hope for the most intense bout of music you've ever heard as this beast is about to die.

now who's comin' up to take their place?? moe? the dead? who's being followed around nowadays??

anyone think it'll be SCI? (heh heh heh)

if the cycle is to happen again who's your next pick?

I think that you're all going to be worrying if you'll get an 'its ice' or a sweet tweezer and although you might get it you'll still have worried or pondered or stretched it out so thin that the good vibes will be overshadowed by thought and we all know that the more time you spend thinking the less time you spend feeling.

and i thought that for most of you it was how the music made you feel.

Is anyone out there prepared to just feel it out?

if you don't make it out to a show does it really make a difference to you anyway?? you wouldn't be there to enjoy it anyway.

or is this one of the few ways you phans actually feel suprised when you go to see Phish??

(does anyone else think that the phish nerdiness epidemic could be one of the reasons trey and crew are calling it quits for good??)

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I think the nerdiness was there from the beginning with the band. Trey seems like he must've been a huge geek. And Paige, c'mon. We all know Mike is still a geek and Fishman is the only cool one in the bunch.

The next huge mosnter city-sized festival band is gonna be..........................

CAVERN -- no wait, no.

It'll be..........there is no one!


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