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I'm in..half drunk now. ::

That looks like quite a sissy SHN kick,I hope ya got somthing stronger then that....

also...why does that guy have his arm up? The attck is at least 18-24 " below his elbow...what a dumbass.!LOL

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We're already in to it but be warned that everyone is intent on not having a full full out rager just a semi-fullout rager so check that shit at the door.

I have no idea what that means....

give me a break...I'm drunk...

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whoohooo! thanks nero for another night of ass stomping good times. fun show boys! i gotta say, nobody turns an "okay well, since i have to work early tomorrow, i'm gonna aim to leave around midnight" plan of action into "wow that was fun, whoops, better get going now that it's 25 to 3 in the morning!" like the nero boys do! haha.

glad to finally pick up a copy of zedonk, looking forward to slipping it into the regular bust a move while driving around rotation in my car (yes, thank you mr. bassy player for your assistance, you know, seeing as your MANAGER and all decided he'd rather grow moss on himself in o-town than come down and party with the southwestern ontario crew -- geez velvey schmelvy, 2nd time runing now...what gives, brothaaa? we miss seeing your beautiful face down here!).

and of course, high fives to all who made it out on a thursday night! birthday fun for esau all around, that grooviest of all fetishes queen of the g-spot, ontario, miss tasha (it's always a pleasure to share a dance floor with you m'lady!), paisley, shainhouse, delhead, my favourite person to run into anywhere, miss pink, the instagator, sheikyerbouti, i saw you around but didn't get a chance to chat, sugarmegs, my date for the evening (so fun to drive around aimlessly with you in the bermuda triangle that is guelph), tungsten, great to see you out too. meggo, really glad you made the trek, you're pure fun. :D i'm sure i'm forgetting a bunch of people now, so yay, whoohooo everyone! haha

oh, and what concert is complete without the antics of our very own king kung. finally got to see "the fan" waving in action (it's actually kinda nice to be dancing up a storm and have a cool breeze hit your bod when he scampers by), and as a super duper treat of the evening, we got our very own breakdancing show from the man himself! nice one guy, that was great.

looking forward to the next show down here boys, hope you enjoy the rest of this run!

the end.

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A birthday first,both for me & the band....

......nero kicked out "beat it" :o

A huge thanks to Pete & Tasha for putting up with me and houseing me for the evening afterwards & Shainhouse for getting me there,I'm still wired for sound right now,left Paisley at the bus stop a crying as he waited for his bus to take him home.....I on the other hand,stopped and grabbed a case of beer.

I was very glad to see a few folks out last night I hadn't seen in awhile and some folks I ain't ever met before! :: We had a good represent of jambands.ca there thats for sure.

Sheikyerbouti,finally we meet face to face.Cheers

meggo,I was really glad to see ya again.Got to do it again somtime...sooner,you rock. ::

Cheers to all the rest...great night.

Anyway,smokin show and it was good to kick SHNs with the band again....thanks all for a great birthday drunk..

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A birthday first,both for me & the band....

......nero kicked out "beat it" :o

With vocals?



Nope,just an instrumental jam,not quite the full song,but more then half the song I'd say,I really can't for the life of me recall (at the moment) what it came out of and went back into...I can hear it in my head but can't put words to it,I'm sure someone will have the setlist.

Was definatley a treat,unexpected for sure.

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What a fun, fun night of tunes!!!! Happy Birthday Greg! I hope you had a great time!!!

Oh wow, I must say this was one of the better nero shows I have seen in a LONG time. The 'Beat It' came out of Lemondust or Centragnome if I can recall, and was towards the end of the first set. The encore featuring a bluegrass tune I have never heard -> Darius was :o. Absolutely Incredible.

I also must say... That new song titled 'THE YEAR OF' or something like that that you busted out was FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC. Best nero song I've heard in ages!!! Wow, I am super excited to hear that tune grow as it gets played more.

An incredible group of people out last night that really brought the spirits of the night up. Unfortunately CAVEMAN didn't get across the border and missed the party and our own paisley had a rough day, but everyone cheered me right up. Thank you KUNG for the lesson in breakdancing and the fan, as well as everyone else who was there. Good K/W, London, Guelph, Hammer and Toronto showing last night. Nothing but great folks.

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oh ma goodness.

still feeling more than a little like a grog/sketch case but hopefully a coffee and a breath of fresh air will help that... my first day as a non-student and officially an unemployed member of society, looks beautiful out and no one to enjoy it with! but, i digress...

last night = lotsa fun. duh. everybody else made that clear i guess. but just to add my 2 cents, the crowd was thinner than last time in guelph but it just felt more like ya knew everybody there, it was great. nero awesome to cross paths again, sounding wicked, and always nice to have some time to chat with you three. greg, i'm glad we got a chance to shoot the shit, i never got ya back with the shn kicks, but one of these days, when you least expect it.... becky and miranda so happy to see you girls again, always a good time and looking forward to next weekend... paisley thanks for the story, del-head and kuipers for the dance moves (and kung, musn't forget) and the rest of the crew, shain, sugarmegs (we meet at last!), sunshine, huge thanks to pete and tasha for letting us invade their abode once again, tash i hope you got some sleep and good luck with your stuff today! i hope i'm not forgetting anybody, of course scotty (sheik) thanks for being my road partner, and for making me trip out all the way home by putting on that cd, was it all ween? man. good luck at work today bud.

aaaaand... i'm spent. enjoy the rest of your weekend everybody. ::

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wish i could write more or had a secretary to type this shit for me, lots of good jokes and i really liked the family vibe of the show, we took er a little too late for the fetish' taste (i forced everyone to stay up cause they have no wills of their own) but doesn't look like there'll be much more breaking in the next few weeks (or ultimate, weights, kung fu or just plain jerking off) as my arm is fucked up bad, when i can type with two hands i'll add some more, also did anyone lose a powder blue columbia fleece with a pouch of players tobacco?

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Thanks Palace- I had fun dancing with you too! Thanks for bringing your moves out!

AS far as the things I had to take care- (thanks for the well wishes Meggo!) things went pretty well- I managed to get in to the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research in time to drop off my resume and cover letter at 4 to the person who will be in charge of the decision making process. I had printed it off very nice quality on great white heavy bond paper. BUT the only thing I realized afterwards was I was so kind of out of it I guess I forgot to sign the letter- so it is the best letter for a job appllication I have likely ever written. Please everyone- hope they are impressed with the content of the documents and forgive the slight of no signature.

Anyway that's what happens when you don't get a chance to get to sleep till 9 the next day! (I told you the evening before what time I wanted you to go by Luke and you did not seem awfully aware of that the next morning. It's all about a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Which is a great thing to try to be more aware of as you go through life and I'll be the first to admit that I have areas in my own life where I feel a need to work on the respect angle in interactions or actions with regard to others).

At any rate I enjoyed the intimacy of the evening. It was great to be able to party with folks afterwards and enjoy sitting down at my own party. We have to do that more often, but on a weeknight- I'd consider 6 the next morning a respectable time to end the party- for future reference Kung.

I should know if I get an interview by mid next week. AS I said cross your fingers.


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certainly! good luck, Tash... and thanks again for the after-Nero hospitality.

i havent written much about this... but i had a great time listening to some of Canada's finest, the more i see them, the more appreciative i am that i get to see them in such intimate venues, you know what i mean, these guys are getting better and better each time, it kinda feels like it wont be long before we see 'em a little less, and we're a little further away in the crowd when we do... and it'll be very well deserved... it was also a great group of people to enjoy a show with... the family vibe as some people have said... and if i was quiet there or seemed unsure at times, or whatever, i was just in a weird headspace... good mushrooms... maybe too good?

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not really going to get into it of course we'rea all grateful for your hospitality- didn't realize that you had any areas of your life you want to improve on seeing as how much insight you have into others faults- maybe there's a dr. philesque role in 'broad'casting somewhere

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