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The OM Festival


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Never been to Om but it sounds amazing, for the good remains of the rave scene in a creative environment. The Wassabi would not encourage me to go though (although that is SO their vibe and I'm sure their hippy sex drug cult will make a killing on whatever they're selling). Just watched E4 for the first time and wow if everything I ever thought of wassabi wasn't confirmed to a tee- every song sounded like a really bad version of First Tube played by a bar band on crank (with natty nasty dreads and lame ass hippiness oozing out of the cracks).

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I'm sure their hippy sex drug cult will make a killing on whatever they're selling). Just watched E4 for the first time and wow if everything I ever thought of wassabi wasn't confirmed to a tee- every song sounded like a really bad version of First Tube played by a bar band on crank (with natty nasty dreads and lame ass hippiness oozing out of the cracks).

This coming from a guy that listens to rap and Ween? Hell your review makes me want to go... (Ever seen them? They are pretty good at what they do - getting people to dance. They never claimed to be The Slip, but I'd rather go to a Wassabi show to get my dance on than see theNEWDEAL or Disco Biscuits... And I raved...) I haven't seen the new Wassabi line-up, but I'm jonesin' for a show like Dean and Gene jones for glue...


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This coming from a guy that listens to rap and Ween?

Steady del head.

Wassabi is not for everyone just like Ween is not for you. I can vouch for Kung seeing wassabi hell he even had a Capoera showdown with the drummer.

I'd like you to go to a ween show before you throw down you glue sniffing propoganda.

As for the ohm fest. I'm having enough trouble deciding between Kimock/Primus and SPAC to even entertain an electronic music fest.

BTW Del I can't stop listining to those gabber disks

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Fair enough, the Ween was a low blow... But to compare Wassabi to some bar band is equally offensive... Melissa is a very gifted player with an incredible voice. Steve the drummer was creative and could lay down the hard fast beats, which is even more impressive considering he was self-taught. The guitar fit with the music perfectly, and while he's no Dave Lauzon, he did more than I expected him to. And the bass was phat, plain and simple. Sweet bass lines and just the right amount of bounce when the music needed it. If there are local bar bands playing the same music as Wassabi performs, I invite kung to show me where... And the whole idea of the hippie/sex cult thing is ludicrous as well... I've hung out with those kids, nice people with only the best intentions. Their drug use isn't an issue, because if it were a lot of people on this board would would come off as members of that same cult. Some people hate dance music in general. Wassabi offers the best organic dance music that I've ever heard. Again, all apologies about the Ween comment, but I expect someone with kung's music knowledge to know better than to compare a band like Wassabi to some local bar band doing a bad cover of First Tube. For the record, the 6.5 hour Wassabi set at last year's CTMF at Izzy's still ranks in my top 5 shows of all time... Pure bliss (and, for the record, no drugs in me for the show, still danced for 6.5 hours...).

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I think you betrayed your ignorance when you referred to HIP HOP as Rap I don't know of anyone that calls it rap anymore, rap is LL Cool J, rap is Ice T, rap is Public Enemy- the grand munificent fountain of all things creatively linked over a 2/4 beat is HIP HOP. I'll take Aesop Rock, Dose One, Aceyalone and Gene and Dene any day over the WAY GENERIC stylings of the west coast poo poo train.

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Ouch man!!!! Those are some harsh words there Kung......I have to say the first time I saw The Collective at Frontier town on May 24 last year I was blown away, (amongst many other music lovers, i'm sure ::). After that show Jeff and I had decided to follow their positive vibes out west, just to see if their was more of a scene out their. Especially a scene with such intensity, creativity and "OrGanIc" sounds!!!! WoW!!! They truely had something started, if only they would have stayed together I think they would have made it huge. Ya, they might not be in everyones interest, but, man they deserve some definate REspECt!!!!Not only as musicians but as individuals :P. Maybe if you have the urge to dis some great folks do it on a hate site or something cause I for one think its uncalled for. Obviously I mean no disrespect.....but I'm not going to read your comments and be satisfied knowing people like you think they can get away with that sort of B*l@ Sh*t!!!! I wish The Wassabi all the best and can't wait to see them, and soon mind you....

Not to sure if we are going to make it up to Om this year (due to so much other festivities going on) been a couple times in the past, great times, in a beautiful location and lots of roaming around to do and interesting places to check out. Though the price has certainly increased over the years, thats probably the only thing drawing us back. But its worth checking out if you've never been before, for the Summer Solitice !!!! Cheers All :)

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I appreciate where you're coming from and just as you are entitled to get on the bandwagon or bandbus or vanagon I am entitled to GET OFF THE BUS. I have no doubt that if you have a certain disposition i.e. vegan, organic, weed smoking etc. that they are the shit but if you're only connection is that your interests happen to overlap with those interests i.e. improv or jam music I can understand people really not liking it. It's the same with the cheese for me, some part of me wishes I could piss my life away like so much liquid acid and just sell grillies and t-shirts with funny plays on song names but it's just not an option. I have to focus on my career and ironically my health despite doing enough to piss that away too. Now if their hippy bus was an RV (and clean), if that shit was sponsored out the wazoo (hopefully by gilette razors or neat bikini wax) and rolling across the country to the overintelligent drum and bass stylings of the Slip hell I'd be in on that shit!

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Getting on/off the bandwagon? Razores and bikini wax? Sex/drug cult? LOL! keep it up Kung, It sounds like u really are a PRO lol. you musta seen a lot o shit out there huh? lol! Overlapping interests have nuthing to do with it either. NOT 1 of thoes band members was the same as the other...vegan, organic,weed or drug use, philosophy, they all were into there own stuff. Fans only knew the music. Not interests that happened to be the same.. People didnt use the music as a reason to go out and party and get shit faced like some do for some bands. The old CollEcTiVE was some of the best live music in Canada and it had some serious emotion that was unmatched by most. If you dont like it, good, its not ment for everyone. But dont pass em off like a gimmick or whatever the hell you just did... because they really did have IT. I still put there album on once in a while, when friends are near, by the fire and moonlight....... BEAUTIFUL times.

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People didnt use the music as a reason to go out and party and get shit faced like some do for some bands

Is that your final answer? Would you like to remove "shit-faced" and insert "high on crystalline substances" instead? Because the sketchiness of that band somehow ejaculated all over their hardcore fans from my vantage point. And yeah their music wasn't for me and that's fine but don't deny the gimmicky celestial traveller peace and love vibe that was more Hollywood than Fernie if you ask me.

So who's got my heady Mayan Calendar? :)

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No it's an Analogy MarcO not confusing I'll break it down for you:

Wassabi Collective = cum stained 1972 Penthouse (to Kung)

Wassabi Collective = treasure trove of hardcore german erotica- the real cum guzzling heady epic stuff- (to MarcO)

Get it?

Analogy is the comparison of two pairs which have the same relationship. The key is to ascertain the relationship between the first so you can choose the correct second pair. Part to whole, opposites, results of are types of relationships you should find.

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So seriously I was thinking about this some more as I tippled home from the Albion and my late afternoon 'business meeting' and it really is an interesting issue. It sort of comes down to the fact that if you think someone is 'solid' it stands to follow that you think their music taste will be 'solid'. Like Tungsten has about the best music taste I know of with the exception of say Secondtube- now if either of them claimed to like the Wassabi Collective (I'm seeing this one coming tube) it would fuck up my whole mo. This is presuming you can't just accept that taste is taste and you can't debate it like truth- I guess guilty pleasures sort of throw a left hand monkey wrench in the works too. It's all a bit confusing though it probably only becomes so when you try and apply a rigid metanarrative that accounts for everything in the world including why otherwise smart people don't like the Flaming Lips.

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okay i have a question... scotty and i were discussing this not too long ago, actually...

how can you really judge a person's taste? (note the bold text! hehe, that means i'm serious! )

i mean... can you say one person has better taste in food, just b/c they like some fancy pants restaurant and somebody else likes the greasy spoon? maybe that's off track, but do you see what i mean? how can you judge a persons taste in art... maybe they turn you onto lotsa obscure shit that you end up really liking, but to me that just means you have similar tastes, not 'better' or 'worse.'

i dunno. it's getting hot in here. thoughts?

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Is that your final answer? Would you like to remove "shit-faced" and insert "high on crystalline substances" instead? Because the sketchiness of that band somehow ejaculated all over their hardcore fans from my vantage point. And yeah their music wasn't for me and that's fine but don't deny the gimmicky celestial traveller peace and love vibe that was more Hollywood than Fernie if you ask me.

So who's got my heady Mayan Calendar?

if i could've said it better i'd have saved a quote.

now back to the TOPIC

Om Festival was the best fest i was at last year. better than frontiertown, better than evolve, and i dont' really like electronic music as much. there were a lot of hippified ravers there and there was a lot more new agers there...and i still had a better time. it was awesome. bring a glass and a plate and they'll feed you. you just pay toget in and they take care of the rest(other than a tent, drugs, booze, and women...there are plenty there)

the music was good for the most part...and considering that there was music that didnt' really do it for me and it was still the best time i had...

well worth the $90 for a 4 day fest.

everyone that can go should.

and meggo...you can make assum,ptions abotu taste, but judging taste really is only a misnomer for a comparison against your own taste. creates a negative vibe i think.

my wassbai taste: i think that they had a solid drummer and bass player and percussionist. they were tight but also lacked a certain something that made them sound like a bar band. it also made them sound like rusted root and that made me leave them to the same place on my list as caution jam. totally fun, cool moments, but i won't follow either band around the country.

i'll admit the set was cool and often time very suprising but there are loads of bands that deserve the spotlight.

but both wassabi and caution jamdeserve huge props for making the times so much fun.

i'll go party but not on the list of fave bands at all, even if i strech it out.

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