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Good ways to spend the solstice?


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You mean you didn't see the stealth Hammerstein show setlist from last night....It was the bomb brah!!

Hammerstein Ballroom NYC -

Set I - 1: Kung-> Llama-> Lizards-> Tela-> Wilson-> AC/DC Bag-> Colonel Forbin's Ascent-> Famous Mockingbird-> The Sloth-> McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters-> The Divided Sky

Set II - Scents and Subtle Sounds, Undermind->The Connection,A Song I Heard The Ocean Sing, Army of One->Crowd Control->Maggie's Revenge->Nothing,Two Versions of Me, Access Me->Scents and Subtle Sounds->Tomorrow's Song,Secret Smile,Grind*

Encore - Fluffhead->Destiny Unbound->Alumni Blues->The Curtain->Guelah Papyrus **

* Trey annouces this show will be known as the Underhenge show, and that it is indeed EPIC

** Trey drops to his knees, slashing his wrists while screaming "what more do you animals want from me?" over and over again as the house lights come up.

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