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Burt Neilson Interview on www.jambands.com


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"JH: Ah... ‘In the Belly'. That song is really about Canmore, Alberta and the time I spent living out there. It is about being there, leaving, coming back, and then finally moving back East. I mention a lot of places in that song - Canmore, Vancouver Isle, the rooms above the bar, and the mountains in the morning sun... So to sing that song for the first time and actually be in those places was amazing. I cannot even describe it. That was probably the best time of my life. And every time I sing that song it gives me shivers."

Man, Ill tell you what. When BNB played that song at the 'Ho in Canmore, it was an absolute perfect moment. As Jeff mentioned, there were many generations of BNB fans there and the feeling in that bar, at that moment, was electric!! Without sounding like a sap, I would call it a serious "moment" in Canadian music!! Bliss. You had to be there, and those that were took something from it. It was the same feeling I had when I first listened to BNB years ago, pure excitment. I remember wanting to hear EVERY BNB show I could get my hands on and spread them to ANYONE that would lsten (some of youse guys may remember the old ctree BNB madness ;) ). Glad BNB is back and having fun! Hope the band figures something out for a Calgary show on the 19th (possible venue change?) Cheers.

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19 years old, fresh into college, a friend of mine tells me i have to check out this band with her at Call The Office. being into live music, of course i go. at the time, i really had no idea that little microcosms such as this scene existed, and the idea that there were a lot more touring "jambands" with a following, besides the Dead and Phish was pretty foreign to me. obviously, it was the BNB that were playing (or i wouldnt be writing here), and at the time, i think they had 7 or so people in the band. it was a first for me, certainly not like anything i had seen before... the music was unbelievable, again, something new for me to experience live... i had seen the fatties numerous times at La Luna while living in Hamilton, but this seemed to be a lot different... Burt really did something for me that night. bought their cd, and it rarely left my cd player during my first year. they definately opened my ears to a new sound, and a new idea, and musically opened a shitload of doors for me.

i really give Burt a lot of credit for getting me into this scene, and where i am musically and such... try to see them whenever i can, especially when they're in London... a magical band, that i know have created a lot of magical moments for a lot of people.

cheers, Burt!

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I have mad respect for BNB for sticking it out and keeping things fresh, with new material and new approaches. They get special mention for focusing on writing GOOD SONGS!, even if they're not always fully appreciated at first by the jamsluts. They are at times a contentious band within our tiny little scene and I respect them for that immensely. They keep things interesting.

Seen some great shows with those guys. I actually prefer the 4-man line-up to any that came before, as well as the newer material they've presenting.

Cheers to BNB!

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My respect is also mad. I don't give them much of a listen anymore but have seen them off and on for 8 or 9 years so that's worth something to me. Had I not seen them at the Co'Zone way back when I might never have seen live music at all.

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