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Roll Call: Béla Fleck & The Flecktones


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Guess i'm not making it to bed for a while so....here goes.

As i'm sure many of you are aware, vic is a god. i've always admired him, to put it lightly. Well, i decided i wanted to meet him. I figured since most shows at Massey its relatively easy to find the performers, this one shouldn't be any different.

Ya right. [Roll Eyes]

Got to Massey Hall around 3:30-4 and hung around for a few hours. The stage hands where actually telling me to leave, as there wouldn't be any autographs signed. I told him i was looking to give a copy of the Revolving Door to the band, and he sharply said "they have one!"

Next i figured, what the hell, i'll knock on the bus. Bad mistake. I guess i disturbing the sleeping giant, their security...they have their own security???? Whats with that...

Anyways, he gave me the same reply, the band has the magazine, and they dont want to sign any autographs.

Finally, around 6ish, i give up and start walking up Younge street, towards the Burger King. Why? I have no idea. Anyways, while passing the BK, i notice someone is in line inside that looks a helluva lot like The Big Man (who is actually VERY small) Himself.

I walk in, and quietly and politely approach behind him, and pretty much whisper mr. wooten, in case it wasn't him.

Well, i WON! It was him!!!! Standing in line at BK, mr Vic Lamonte Wooooooooten. I was just a little bit happy.

I started by thanking him for coming back to ONtario again. TOld him i've been to his previous shows in T.O. and to maybe someday come to Hamilton. He knew they were on the cover of Revolving Door, but i gave him a copy anyways (as i told you i would Shain [big Grin] ).

He autographed my other copy, and i shook his hand. By this time it was time for him to order, so the least i could do was pay for the lunch/dinner.

I said my good-bye's and told him to have an awsome show. He let me in on a hint that there would be a surprise guest...little did i know she would be so damn fine (oh and she looks good too, bonus).

Even too add the icing on the cake, three times throughout the show, Vic gave me the double thumbs up, or the index finger pointy guns thingy, it was great.

Talked to Orren Isaacs (sp) for a while before the show, and mentioned that i met vic. he was surprised that vic was just walking around, as he told me vic is normally very shy. Double Bonus!

As for the music, i do believe Bela Fleck and the 'Tones get the award for most improved band. THis was my fifth Bela show, and for the first time, i thought they were actually a band, rather than four amazing solo musicians playing on the same stage.

As they said, they are releasing a triple cd, and from what they played from it, i CANT WAIT!!!!!

Two full sets were played. The first set was more standard Bela, lots of solo's, a little less combined playing. It was in the second set where the magic truely shined through.

Clocking in at almost an hour and a half, they drifted effortlessly through some of the most brilliant free form, almost avante garde like, jazz. Sitting right above vic, front row balc's, i was able to study vic the whole show.

THe thing that impresses me the most about him, is how he plays, when he's not soloing. He lays down the most intricate, most complex bass lines. We all know he can solo to high heaven, but i never noticed what a solid bassist he is as well, when not in the limelight.

Coffin is who i thought was the most improved. His playing has this rage of emotion that i find very rare. Once again, his popular stuff, like the two horned blues, was fun, but it was his layering of fusion that sets him apart.

I love the way Futureman is progressing. I always felt he was the weak link in the band, kinda restricted to an electronic sound, due to his instrument (if it can be called that). But now he's entered into this afro congo world beat that really reminds me of Mickey Harts stuff. Much better than just playing on his toy. I could imagine how that band would be if say, Cyro was at the helm.

Then the special guest. I new someone was coming, but i had absolutely no idea it would someone so eclectic. I was elated to find out it wasn't some hippy jam dude.

Words for Natalie... Wow. Musically, wow. and well, Wow x2 for stage appearance. Not to mention she played a beautiful song with the boys. Definately a REAL treat.

Anyways, things just went amazing last night....Even the cop at setbreak told me to "enjoy my setbreak in the car", as i briskly walked to the parking garage at intermission.

And what about that Imagine!!! Many of you know my feeling towards the kings of Boybandism (joke, its a joke), but i never realized the power of some of their music. Hearing the packed house sing the final line, "and have the world live as one", a tear formed in my eye. It was magical.

Finally one last note, the guitar thingy that bela played in the second set, for only one song, the guitar that looks like someone broke the neck in half...how the hell does he tune it. There are no tuning keys, i can't figure it out for the life of me...i'll try to find a picture...

Well, hope everyone else had a fantastic time as well, I sure know i did. Massey Hall has been so freaking amazing this year.

From Crimson to Kodo (still can't get over that show), Bela and the Funk Brothers, and finally, the biggest and most likely the best, the 50th anniversary of the Greatest Jazz Concert Ever.

Massey, you kick my ass. Vic, you kick it harder. [big Grin]

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