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Jimmy Swift at PJC tonight?


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Hey Paisley, will you have a look around the pjc for a green sweater. I think I left it there after GTB. Oh, and I have a black leather jacket in my car from that night for some reason. I surely couldn't have mistaken that for a green sweater. The sweater is kinda army lookin. Maybe they have a lost and found there or something.

Thanks buddy!

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will do completely absolutely mr. backbacon!

hey, speaking of sweaters I think I lost mine, um... some night or other... gonna be a long cold lonely winter for Linus :(

tonight I represent all skanks everywhere as I rage away the night!

(as I'm figurin I'll be the only one there... well KC but he's workin... so I party for him too!)

comin your way Jimmy Swift Band! (soon)

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